IAOMA IAOM_LOG_REPOR Log for Account Assignment Manager |
IAOMB IAOM_LOG_DELET Delete Acc. Assignment Manager Log |
IAOMC IAOM_LINK_ANAL Object Link Analysis Acct Managemen |
IAOM0 IAOM_BUSINESS Business Scenario Translator |
IAOM1 IAOM_CSCENARIO Maintain Controlling Scenario |
IAOM2 IAOM_CUST_CO Maintain Controlling Integration |
IA01 SAPLCPDI Create Equipment Task List |
IA02 SAPLCPDI Change Equipment Task List |
IA03 SAPLCPDI Display Equipment Task List |
IA04 RMIAPL70 Display PM/SM Task List (A;E;T) |
IA05 SAPLCPDI Create general task list |
IA06 SAPLCPDI Change General Maintenance Task Lis |
IA07 SAPLCPDI Display General Task List |
IA08 RIPLKO10 Change PM Task Lists |
IA09 RIPLKO10 Display Task Lists |
IA10 RIPLKO20 Display Task Lists (Multilevel) |
IA11 SAPLCPDI Create FunctLoc Task List |
IA12 SAPLCPDI Change FunctLoc Task List |
IA13 SAPLCPDI Display FunctLoc Task List |
IA15 RMIAPL40 Task List Original Change Docs |
IA16 RMIAPL20 Cost Maintenance Task Lists |
IA17 RMIAPL30 Print Maintenance Task Lists |
IA18 RMIAPL10 Display Task Lists by Class Search |
IA19 RMIAPL10 Change Task Lists by Class Search |
IA21 RMIAPL50 Evaluate Task List Change Documents |
IA25 RPMREDE2 Deletion of PM Task Lists |
IBIP SAPLIBIP PM: Batch Input Utility |
IBIPA IBIPBAL Transaction for BAL of IBIP |
IBI2 RIIBIP00 Plant Maintenance Batch Input |
IB01 SAPMC29S Create Equipment BOM |
IB02 SAPMC29S Change Equipment BOM |
IB03 SAPMC29S Display Equipment BOM |
IB05 SAPMC29S Change Equipment BOM Group |
IB06 SAPMC29S Display Equipment BOM Group |
IB07 SAPLCSAL Assign Equipment BOM to Plant |
IB08 SAPLCSAL Change Equipment BOM - Plant Alloc. |
IB09 SAPLCSAL Display Equipment BOM Plant Alloc. |
IB11 SAPMC29S Create Functional Location BOM |
IB12 SAPMC29S Change Functional Location BOM |
IB13 SAPMC29S Display Functional Location BOM |
IB15 SAPMC29S Change FunctLocation BOM Group |
IB16 SAPMC29S Display FunctLocation BOM Group |
IB17 SAPLCSAL Create FunctLoc. BOM Plant Assignmn |
IB18 SAPLCSAL Change FunctLoc. BOM Plant Alloc. |
IB19 SAPLCSAL Display FunctLoc. BOM Plant Alloc. |
IB51 SAPLIBOF Create IBase |
IB52 SAPLIBOF Change IBase |
IB53 SAPLIBOF Display IBase |
IB54 SAPLIBOF Change Two Installed Bases |
IB55 SAPLIBOF Display Two Installations |
IB61 SAPLIBSD Create Installed Base with Referenc |
IB80 SAPMC29B Change Documents for Equipment BOM |
IB81 SAPMC29B FunctLocation BOM Change Documents |
IB90 SAPMSNUM Equipment BOM Number Ranges |
IB91 SAPMSNUM FunctLocation BOM Number Ranges |
ICNV SAPLSDB9 Incremental Conversion |
IDCP IDPRCNINVOICE Printout on Prenumbered Forms |
IDDH IDPR_INVOICE_HAUsed Prenumbered Forms Report |
IDOC SAPMSEDR IDoc: Repair and check programs |
IDVD IDPR_INVOICE_VOVoid Unused Prenumbered Forms |
IDX1 IDXPORT Port Maintenance in IDoc Adapter |
IDX2 IDXMETA Metadata Overview for IDoc Adapter |
IDX3 IDXGETPARTNER Mass Assgt of IDoc to Log. Partners |
IDX4 IDXPARTNER Assgt of IDoc to Log. Partners |
IDX5 IDX_SHOW_MESSAGSAP Adapter - Monitoring |
IECS MENUIECS Technical Objects |
IE01 SAPMIEQ0 Create Equipment |
IE02 SAPMIEQ0 Change Equipment |
IE03 SAPMIEQ0 Display Equipment |
IE05 RIEQUI20 Change Equipment |
IE06 RIEQUI20 Change Equipment |
IE07 RIEQUI30 Equipment List (Multi-level) |
IE08 SAPMIEQ0 Create Equipment |
IE10 SAPMIEQ5 Multiple Equipment Entry |
IE20 RIEQUI_ALT_SEARReplacement Equipment Search |
IE25 SAPMIEQ0 Create Production Resource/Tool |
IE31 SAPMIEQ0 Create Fleet Object |
IE36 RIFLET20 Display Vehicles |
IE37 RIFLET20 Change Vehicles |
IE4N SAPLIPW4 Equipment Installation and Removal |
IFCU SAPLITOBFLTCON Consumption Transaction |
IF00 MENUIF00 Production Resources/Tools |
IHCFX RBFXNET FX netting with In House Cash |
IHCRVS RFCHAINRVS Reversal of IHC Payment Orders |
IHC01 IHC_BCAREVPO_ALCross-Bank Area Orders |
IH01 RIIFLO10 Functional Location Structure |
IH02 RIIRLO10 Reference Location Structure |
IH03 RIEQUI10 Equipment Structure |
IH04 RIEQUI10 Equipment Structure |
IH05 RIMARA10 Material Structure |
IH06 RIIFLO20 Display Functional Location |
IH07 RIIRLO20 Display Reference Location |
IH08 RIEQUI20 Display Equipment |
IH09 RIMARA20 Display Material |
IH10 RIEQUI20 Display Equipment |
IH11 RIIFLO20 Display Functional Location |
IH12 RIIFLO10 FunctLocation Structure |
IH18 RIIRLO30 Ref. Location List (Multi-Level) |
IH20 RIIBAS10 Where-Used List Time |
IH21 RIIBAS20 IBase Structural Display |
IH22 RIIBAS30 Where-Used List Time Interval |
IK01 SAPLIMR0 Create Measuring Point |
IK01R SAPLIMR0 Create Reference Measuring Point |
IK02 SAPLIMR0 Change Measuring Point |
IK02R SAPLIMR0 Change Reference Measuring Point |
IK03 SAPLIMR0 Display Measuring Point |
IK03R SAPLIMR0 Display Reference Measuring Point |
IK04 SAPLIMR0 Create Measuring Points for Object |
IK04R SAPLIMR0 Create Ref. Measuring Points for Ob |
IK05 SAPLIMR0 Change Measuring Points for Object |
IK05R SAPLIMR0 Change Ref. Measuring Points for Ob |
IK06 SAPLIMR0 Display Measuring Points for Object |
IK06R SAPLIMR0 Display Ref Measuring Points for Ob |
IK07 RIIMPT20 Display Measuring Points |
IK07R RIIMPT25 Display Reference Measuring Point |
IK08 RIIMPT20 Change Measuring Points |
IK08R RIIMPT25 Change Reference Measuring Point |
IK09 SAPMSNUM Maintain Number Range for Table IMP |
IK10R SAPMILO2 Transfer Data from Ref Measuring Pn |
IK11 SAPLIMR0 Create Measurement Document |
IK12 SAPLIMR0 Change Measurement Document |
IK13 SAPLIMR0 Display Measurement Document |
IK14 SAPLIMR0 Collective Entry of MeasDocuments |
IK15 SAPLIMR0 Take Up Measurement Reading Transfe |
IK16 SAPLIMR0 Collective Entry of MeasDocuments |
IK17 RIIMR020 Display Measurement Documents |
IK18 RIIMR020 Change Measurement Documents |
IK19 SAPMSNUM Maintain Number Range for Table IMR |
IK21 SAPLIMR0 Collective Entry of MeasDocuments |
IK22 SAPLIMR0 Collective Entry of MeasDocuments |
IK31 SAPLIMR7 Create MeasReading Entry List |
IK32 SAPLIMR7 Change MeasReading Entry List |
IK33 SAPLIMR7 Display MeasReading entry list |
IK34 SAPLIMR0 Collective Entry of MeasDocuments |
IK41 RIARCMRI Display MeasDocs From Archive |
IK51 RIMPHIER MeasReading Transfer Structure |
IK52 RIMPHIST MeasReading Transfer History |
IK71 SAPLIMRI Create Meas. Document in Internet |
IL01 SAPMILO0 Create Functional Location |
IL02 SAPMILO0 Change Functional Location |
IL03 SAPMILO0 Display Functional Location |
IL04 SAPMILO1 Create FunctLocation: List Entry |
IL05 RIIFLO20 Change Functional Location |
IL06 SAPMILO2 Data Transfer From FunctLocation |
IL07 RIIFLO30 Funct. Location List (Multi-Level) |
IL08 SAPMILO0 Create Functional Location |
IL09 RIFLUSPR User Profile for Labeling |
IL10 RI_IFLOS_REUSE Reusability of Historical Labels |
IL11 SAPMILO0 Create Reference Location |
IL12 SAPMILO0 Change Reference Location |
IL13 SAPMILO0 Display Reference Location |
IL14 SAPMILO1 Create RefLocation: List Entry |
IL15 RIIRLO20 Change Reference Location |
IL16 SAPMILO2 Data Transfer from RefLocation |
IL17 SAPMILO2 Take up Data Transfer |
IL18 SAPMILO2 Data Transfer From Equipment |
IL20 RIIFLO20 Change Functional Location |
IMAI RKKBRPTR CI Management Info System |
IMAMB MASSBACK Automatic Mass Change |
IMAMP RAIMARED Blanket Change to Plan Values |
IMAN SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: IMAK |
IMAP SAPMKBUD Change plan for appropriation req. |
IMAPL SAPLAIAWEB1 Overview Planning (Planner) |
IMAPL2 SAPLAIAWEB1 Overview Planning |
IMAPL3 SAPLAIAWEB1 Overview Planning (Easy Web) |
IMAQ SAPMKBUD Display plan for appropriation req. |
IMAR SAPMKBUD Plan investment portion of app.req. |
IMAS SAPMKBUD Display plan: Appropriation request |
IMAV SAPMKBUD Change plan revenues |
IMAW SAPMKBUD Display plan revenues |
IMA0 MENUIMA0 Appropriation Requests |
IMA1 SAPLAIA1 Create appropriation request |
IMA1N SAPLAIA1 Create Appropriation Request |
IMA11 SAPLAIA1 Individual Processing |
IMA12 SAPLAIA1 Individual Processing (Planner) |
IMA13 SAPLAIA1 Individual Processing (Web Trans.) |
IMA2 SAPLAIA1 Change appropriation request |
IMA2N SAPLAIA1 Change Appropriation Request |
IMA3 SAPLAIA1 Display appropriation request |
IMA3N SAPLAIA1 Display Appropriation Request |
IMA4 SAPLAIA1 Delete appropriation request |
IMA4N SAPLAIA1 Delete Appropriation Request |
IMA6 RAIMAVCY Copy version assignmt to measure |
IMBC RAICCUS1 IM Summariz: Settings in file |
IMBD RAICDHD1 IM Summariz: Delete values/hierarch |
IMBE RAICEND2 IM Summarization: Delete entities |
IMBM RAICMON1 IM Summarization: Monitor |
IMBPUP RAIMBPUP Plan/Budget Rollup |
IMB0 RAICHIER IM Summariz: Replicate hierarchy |
IMB1 RAICDAR1 IM Summariz: Replicate curr. values |
IMB2 RAICENR1 IM Summariz: Replicate entities |
IMB3 RAICDAS2 IM Summariz: Current values in file |
IMB4 RAICENS2 IM Summariz: Entities in file |
IMB5 RAICDAR2 IM Summariz: Values from file |
IMB6 RAICENR2 IM Summariz: Entities from file |
IMB7 RAICDAC1 IM Summarization: Copy values |
IMB8 RAICDAS3 IM Summariz: Summarized val. in fil |
IMCAOV RAIMCAOV Budget Carryfwd for Inv.Programs |
IMCB RKDBAT02 IM Summarization: Background report |
IMCC SAPMKCC0 IM Summarization: Curr. transl. typ |
IMCCP1 RAIMCCP1 Copy Plan -> Budget (Inv.Prog) |
IMCCP2 RAIMCCP2 Transfer App.Req. Plan -> Meas. Pla |
IMCCP3 RAIMCCP3 Copy Plan -> Budget (Projects) |
IMCCP4 RAIMCCP4 Copy Plan -> Budget (Orders) |
IMCCV1 RAIMCCP1 Copy Plan Vers. -> PlanVers(InvProg |
IMCG RAIMGENCHAR Summariz. IM: Gen. User-Def. Char. |
IMCK RICTIMCK IM Summariz: Calculated key figures |
IMCM SAPMKCB9 IM Summariz: Test monitor f. report |
IMCO RKCOBTR2 IM Summarization: Transport reports |
IMCOC1 RAIMCCP1 Consistency Check (Inv.Prog.) |
IMCOC3 RAIMCCP3 Consistency Check (Projects) |
IMCOC4 RAIMCCP4 Consistency Check (Orders) |
IMCP RKCOBTR4 IM Summarization: Transport forms |
IMCRC1 RAIMCCP1 Currency Reacalculation (Inv.Prog.) |
IMCRC2 RAIMCRC2 Currency Recalculation (App.Req.) |
IMCRC3 RAIMCCP3 Currency Recalculation (Projects) |
IMCRC4 RAIMCCP4 Currency Recalculation (Orders) |
IMCT RKCTRTX1 IM Summar: Translation of drilldown |
IMCTX RSIMCTRX Intermode Communication |
IMCU MENUIMCU Config. menu Investment Management |
IMCV RKES0101 IM Summarization: Global variables |
IMCX RKDREOBE IM Summarization: Reorg. reports |
IMCY RKDREODA IM Summarization: Reorg. report dat |
IMCZ RKDREOFO IM Summarization: Reorg. forms |
IMC0 SAPMKCEE IM Summarization: Execute Report |
IMC1 SAPMKCEE IM Summarization: Create report |
IMC2 SAPMKCEE IM Summarization: Change report |
IMC3 SAPMKCEE IM Summarization: Display report |
IMC4 SAPMKES1 IM Summarization: Create form |
IMC5 SAPMKES1 IM Summarization: Change form |
IMC6 SAPMKES1 IM Summarization: Create form |
IMC8 RCNRCJES IM Summarization: Client copy repor |
IMC9 RCNRCJEW IM Summarization: Client copy form |
IMDB RKDBAT02 App.req: Execute report in backgrnd |
IMDC SAPMKCC0 App. req: Currency translation key |
IMDG RAIMGENCHAR Generate User-Defined Characteristi |
IMDK RIRTIMDK App.req: Calculated key figures |
IMDM SAPMKCB9 App.req: Test monitor report |
IMDO RKCOBTR2 App. req: Transport reports |
IMDP RKCOBTR4 App. req: Transport forms |
IMDT RKCTRTX1 App. req: Translate drilldown |
IMDV RKES0101 App. req: Global variables |
IMDX RKDREOBE App. req: Reorganization reports |
IMDY RKDREODA App. req: Reorganization report dat |
IMDZ RKDREOFO App. req: Reorganization of forms |
IMD0 SAPMKCEE App.req: Execute report |
IMD1 SAPMKCEE App.req: Create report |
IMD2 SAPMKCEE App.req: Change report |
IMD3 SAPMKCEE App.req: Display report |
IMD4 SAPMKES1 App.req: Create form |
IMD5 SAPMKES1 App.req: Change form |
IMD6 SAPMKES1 App.req: Display form |
IMD8 RCNRCJES App.req: Client copy report |
IMD9 RCNRCJEW App.req: Client copy form |
IMEB RKDBAT02 Background processing of reports |
IMEC SAPMKCC0 Maint. of currcy.conv. type inv.prg |
IMEG RAIMGENCHAR Generate User-Defined Characteristi |
IMEK RIPTIMEK Maintain ratios |
IMEM SAPMKCB9 Test monitor - inv. prog. reports |
IMEO RKCOBTR2 Transport inv. prog. reports |
IMEO1 OM_START_NF Create Inv.Program in Enterprise Or |
IMEO2 OM_START_NF Change Inv.Program in Enterp. Org. |
IMEO3 OM_START_NF Display Inv.Program in Enterp. Org. |
IMEP RKCOBTR4 Transport forms for inv. program |
IMEQ RKCOBTR3 Import inv.prog. rep. frm client 00 |
IMER RKCOBTR5 Import forms from client 000 |
IMET RKCTRTX1 Transl. tool - Dr.-down rep. inv.pr |
IMEU RAIPEWU1 Euro conversion: IM postproces.prog |
IMEV RKES0101 Maintain global variables |
IMEX RKDREOBE Reorganize invest. program reports |
IMEY RKDREODA Reorganize inv. prog. report data |
IMEZ RKDREOFO Reorganize forms for inv.prog.repor |
IME0 SAPMKCEE Execute Inv. Program Report |
IME1 SAPMKCEE Create cap.inv.program report |
IME2 SAPMKCEE Change cap.inv.program report |
IME3 SAPMKCEE Display cap.inv.prog. report |
IME4 SAPMKES1 Create layout set for inv.prog. rep |
IME5 SAPMKES1 Change layout set for inv.prog. rep |
IME6 SAPMKES1 Display layout set for inv.prog.rep |
IME8 RCNRCJES Client transport-inv. prog.reports |
IME9 RCNRCJEW Client transport of forms |
IMIG SAPLSDB9 Incremental Migration |
IMI0 RKKBRPTR CI Management Info System |
IMKBUD RAIMKBUD Original Budget = Current Budget |
IMPBA3 RAIMCCP3 Plan/Budget Adjustment (Projects) |
IMPBA4 RAIMCCP4 Plan/Budget Adjustment (Orders) |
IMR1 RAIMINFO Values for Capital Investment Prog. |
IMR3 RAIMDELE Delete Whole Capital Investment Prg |
IMR4 RAIMAVAR1 App.Req. w/o Distrib.; w/o Variants |
IMR5 RAIMAVAR2 App.Req. w/ Distrib.; w/o Variants |
IMR6 RAIMAVAR3 App.Req. w/o Distrib.; w/ Variants |
IMR7 RAIMAVAR4 App. Request w/ Distrib. w/ Variant |
IMR8 RAIMNOTCON Non-Assigned Measures/App.Req. |
IMR9 RAIMHERCHK Check of Inheritance in Inv.Program |
IMSL RAIMLANG Set language for text |
IMV1 RAIMAETP Changes to Investment Programs |
IMV2 RAIMAEPR Changes to CI Program Positions |
IM00 MENUIM00 Investment programs |
IM01 SAPLAIP2 Create Investment Program |
IM02 SAPLAIP2 Change Investment Program |
IM03 SAPLAIP2 Display Investment Program |
IM05 RAIMACHG Reassign Measures/Approp.Requests |
IM11 SAPLAIP2 Create Investment Program Position |
IM12 SAPLAIP2 Change Investment Program Position |
IM13 SAPLAIP2 Display Inv. Program Position |
IM22 SAPLAIP2 Change Investment Program Structure |
IM23 SAPLAIP2 Display Investment Program Structur |
IM24 RAIM_GEN_FROM_OCreate Investment Program |
IM25 RAIM_GEN_FROM_HCreate Investment Program |
IM27 RAIMCOPY IM: Open new approval year |
IM28 RAIMCOPY Copy investment program |
IM30 SAPMKBUD Change Supplement to Inv.Prog.Pos. |
IM31 SAPMKBUD Display Supplement to Inv.Prog.Pos. |
IM32 SAPMKBUD Change Budget of Inv. Prog. Positio |
IM33 SAPMKBUD Display Budget of Inv.Prog.Position |
IM34 RAIMCOPY Determining Default Plan Value IM |
IM35 SAPMKBUD Change Plan on Inv. Program Positio |
IM36 SAPMKBUD Display plan on prog. position |
IM38 SAPMKBUD Change return on program position |
IM39 SAPMKBUD Display return on program position |
IM40 SAPMKBUD Change supplement on operative objs |
IM41 SAPMKBUD Display suppmt on operative objects |
IM42 SAPMKBUD Change budget operative objects |
IM43 SAPMKBUD Display budget operative objects |
IM44 RAIMCOPY Determining Default Budget Value IM |
IM48 SAPMKBUD Change return on operative objects |
IM49 SAPMKBUD Display return on operative objects |
IM52 RAIMSELM Process budget distribution |
IM53 RAIMSELM Display budget distribution |
IM54 RAIMCOPY Investment Program Reorganization |
IM64 RAIMCOPY Transfer from Old Investment Progra |
INOT IREAD_NOTIFICATCreate SM/PM Notification IDoc |
IN01 SAPMINE0 Create object link |
IN02 SAPMINE0 Change object link |
IN03 SAPMINE0 Display object link |
IN04 SAPMINE0 Create FunctLoc Object Link |
IN05 SAPMINE0 Change FunctLoc Object Link |
IN06 SAPMINE0 Display FunctLoc Object Link |
IN07 SAPMINE0 Create Object Link for Equipment |
IN08 SAPMINE0 Change Object Link for Equipment |
IN09 SAPMINE0 Display Object Link for Equipment |
IN15 RINET0T0 Change FunctLoc Object Network |
IN16 RINET0T0 Display Object Network for FunctLoc |
IN18 RINET0E0 Change Object Network for Equipment |
IN19 RINET0E0 Display Object Network for Equipmen |
IN20 SAPMSNUM Object link number ranges |
IPCS MENUIPCS Maintenance Planning |
IPMACT IPM_ACE_PERIODICalculate and Post Accruals |
IPMD RIIPMD00 Maintain/Display Permits |
IPM2 RIGENE10 Change Permit |
IPM3 RIGENE10 Display Permit |
IP00 MENUIP00 Maintenance Planning Menu |
IP01 SAPLIWP3 Create Maintenance Plan |
IP02 SAPLIWP3 Change Maintenance Plan |
IP03 SAPLIWP3 Display Maintenance Plan |
IP04 SAPLIWP3 Create Maintenance Item |
IP05 SAPLIWP3 Change Maintenance Item |
IP06 SAPLIWP3 Display Maintenance Item |
IP10 SAPLIWP3 Schedule Maintenance Plan |
IP11 RISTRA00 Maintain Maintenance Strategies |
IP11Z RISTRA00 Maintain Cycle Set |
IP12 RISTRA00 Display Maintenance Strategies |
IP12Z RISTRA00 Display Cycle Set |
IP13 RMSTRA00 Package Order |
IP14 RMSTRA30 Where-Used List by Strategy |
IP15 RIMPLA00 Change Maintenance Plan |
IP16 RIMPLA00 Display Maintenance Plan |
IP17 RIMPOS00 Change Maintenance Item |
IP18 RIMPOS00 Display Maintenance Item |
IP19 RIMHIS00 Graphical scheduling overview |
IP20 SAPMSNUM Maintenance plan number assignment |
IP21 SAPMSNUM Maintenance item number assignment |
IP22 SAPMSNUM Maintain number range: OBJK_NR |
IP24 RIMHIO00 Scheduling overview list form |
IP25 RIARCMPL Set deletion flag for maint. plans |
IP30 RISTRA20 MaintSchedule Date Monitoring |
IP31 RISTRA30 Maintenance Plan Cost Display |
IP40 SAPLIWP3 Add Service Plan for Purchasing |
IP41 SAPLIWP3 Add single plan |
IP42 SAPLIWP3 Add strategy-controlled plan |
IP43 SAPLIWP3 Add multiple counter plan |
IP50 SAPLIWP3 Create ref. for maint. contract ite |
IP51 RIVEDA00 Maintenance contract item lists |
IP62 RMIAPL60 Material Where-Used List: Task List |
IQM1 SAPMV13B Create cond. records qual.notificat |
IQM2 SAPMV13B Change cond.records qual.notificatn |
IQM3 SAPMV13B Display cond.records qual.notificat |
IQS1 SAPLIQS0 Create Notification - Extended View |
IQS12 SAPLIQS0 Process Task |
IQS13 SAPLIQS0 Display Task |
IQS2 SAPLIQS0 Change Notification - Extended View |
IQS21 SAPLIQS0 Create Notif. - Simplified View |
IQS22 SAPLIQS0 Process Notif. - Simplified View |
IQS23 SAPLIQS0 Display Notif. - Simplified View |
IQS3 SAPLIQS0 Display Notification - Extended Vie |
IQS8 RIQSMEL1 Worklist: Notifications (General) |
IQS8WP RIQSMEW1 IQS8 - Call from Workplace/MiniApp |
IQS9 RIQSMEL2 Worklist: Tasks (General) |
IQS9WP RIQSMEW2 IQS9 - Call from Workplace/MiniApp |
IQ01 SAPMIEQ0 Create Material Serial Number |
IQ02 SAPMIEQ0 Change Material Serial Number |
IQ03 SAPMIEQ0 Display Material Serial Number |
IQ04 SAPMIEQ0 Create Material Serial Number |
IQ08 RIEQUI21 Change Material Serial Number |
IQ09 RIEQUI21 Display Material Serial Number |
IR00 MENUIR00 PM Resource Planning Menu |
ISE0 MENUISE0 Funds Management |
ISISMN MENUISISMN Insurance Applications |
ISNR SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: ISDB |
IS00 SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: ISMP |
IS01 SAPLISMA Solution DB - Create/Display/Change |
IS02 TEXT_INDEXING Text Indexing for Solution Database |
IS03 SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: ISOL |
ITS00 SAP_TEST_IAC Starting transaction for test IAC |
ITS03 SAP_TEST_IAC Test IAC: Request Generator |
ITS18 SAP_TEST_IAC Test IAC: Start servive via call TR |
IT03 SAPMITST1 Test IAC: internal development |
IT12 SAPMITST1 Test IAC language-dependent |
IT13 SAPMITST1 Test IAC: language-independ templat |
IT18 SAPMITST1 Test IAC: start service via call TA |
IT19 SAPMITST1 Test IAC: Call Trans Skip Screen |
IWBK RIAUFMVK Material availability information |
IWR1 SAPLIREV1 Create / Change Revision |
IWR2 SAPLIREV1 Display Revision |
IWWW SAPMIWOW Create Service Notification (WWW) |
IW12 RIBELF20 Document flow list |
IW13 RIMAT000 Material Where-used List |
IW20 SAPMSNUM Quality Notification No. Assignment |
IW21 SAPLIQS0 Create PM Notification - General |
IW22 SAPLIQS0 Change PM Notification |
IW23 SAPLIQS0 Display PM Notification |
IW24 SAPLIQS0 Create PM Malfunction Report |
IW25 SAPLIQS0 Create PM Activity Report |
IW26 SAPLIQS0 Create Maintenance Request |
IW27 RIARCQM3 Set deletion flag f. PM notificatio |
IW28 RIQMEL20 Change Notifications |
IW29 RIQMEL20 Display Notifications |
IW29WP RIQMEW20 IW29 - Call from Workplace/MiniApp |
IW3D SAPLCOIH Print Order |
IW3K SAPLCOIH Change order component list |
IW3L SAPLCOIH Display Order Component List |
IW3M RIAUFM20 List of Goods Movements for Order |
IW30 RIQMEL10 Notification List (Multi-Level) |
IW31 SAPLCOIH Create Order |
IW33 SAPLCOIH Display PM Order |
IW34 SAPLCOIH PM Order for PM Notification |
IW36 SAPLCOIH Create PM Sub-Order |
IW37 RIAFVC20 Change Operations |
IW37N RI_ORDER_OPERATChange Orders and Operations |
IW38 RIAUFK20 Change PM Orders |
IW39 RIAUFK20 Display PM orders |
IW40 RIAUFK10 Display Orders (Multi-Level) |
IW41 SAPLCORU Enter PM Order Confirmation |
IW42 SAPLCMFU Overall Completion Confirmation |
IW43 SAPLCORU Display PM Order Confirmation |
IW44 SAPLCORU PM Order Collective Confirmation |
IW45 SAPLCORU Cancel PM Order Confirmation |
IW46 RMAFRU01 Postprocessing of PDC Error Records |
IW47 RIAFRU20 Confirmation List |
IW48 RIAFVC10 Confirmation using operation list |
IW49 RIAFVC20 Display Operations |
IW49N RI_ORDER_OPERATDisplay Orders and Operations |
IW51 SAPLIQS0 Create Service Notification-General |
IW52 SAPLIQS0 Change Service Notification |
IW53 SAPLIQS0 Display Service Notification |
IW54 SAPLIQS0 Create Service Notification-Malfn. |
IW55 SAPLIQS0 Create Activity Report |
IW56 SAPLIQS0 Create service request |
IW57 RIARCSM3 Set Deletion Flag For Notification |
IW58 RIQMEL20 Change Service Notifications |
IW59 RIQMEL20 Display Service Notifications |
IW61 SAPLCOIH Create Historical PM Order |
IW62 SAPLCOIH Change Historical Order |
IW63 SAPLCOIH Display Historical PM Order |
IW64 RIQMEL60 Change Activities |
IW65 RIQMEL60 Display activities |
IW66 RIQMEL30 Change Tasks |
IW67 RIQMEL30 Display Tasks |
IW68 RIQMEL40 Change Notification Items |
IW69 RIQMEL40 Display Notification Items |
IW70 SAPLCOKO Orders Overall Network Scheduling |
IW72 RIAUFK20 Change Service Order |
IW73 RIAUFK20 Display Service Order |
IW74 RIVEDA20 Change Contract for Serviceable Ite |
IW75 RIVEDA20 Display Serviceable Item Contract |
IW8W SAPLCOIH Goods Receipt f. Refurbishment Orde |
IW81 SAPLCOIH Create Refurbishment Order |
IXMLT4 BCCIIXMLT4 iXML Test Transaction for ITS |
I009 SAPMSNUM Location/AccAsst No. Range (ILOA) |
JBAI RJBRSTDB Load saved Dataset |
JBAN RJBRCUS1 Update Field Catalog |
JBAP SAPMJBRA Create Maintain Analysis Structures |
JBAR RJBRTOL2 Generate service programs |
JBAS RJBRSTDS Save Dataset |
JBAT SAPMKKB5 Report Selection |
JBAU RJBRSIPF Maintain View |
JBAX RJBRSTDD Delete Saved Dataset |
JBBA RJBAUFWP Position Generation - Securities |
JBBB RJBAUFBD Position Determ.-Stock Ex.Der. |
JBBD RJBAUFDE Forex Position Determination |
JBBE MENUJBBE Valuation Setting |
JBBEW SAPMJBDBEW Maintain Position Changes |
JBBG MENUJBBG Position Groups |
JBBPU RJBDREOFCBPUM Reorg.of Field Cat.for BP Conversio |
JBB0 SAPMJBD6 Create Position Object |
JBB1 SAPMJBD6 Change Position |
JBB2 SAPMJBD6 Display Position |
JBB3 SAPMJBD6 Maintain Position Values |
JBB4 SAPMJBD6 Display Position Values |
JBB5 RKCMKCGD Edit characteristics |
JBB6 RKCMKCGD Edit Value Fields |
JBCF SAPL0K01 Maintain Condition Type |
JBDCD JBD_CHGPTR_DELEDelete Change Pointers |
JBDEM JBD_CHGPTR_MONIOverview of Change Pointers |
JBDO SAPMJBDO Financial Object |
JBD1 SAPMKCEE Execute data mining report |
JBD2 SAPMKCEE Create Data Mining Report |
JBD3 SAPMKCEE Change data mining report |
JBD4 SAPMKCEE Display Data Mining Report |
JBD5 SAPMKES1 Data mining: Create form |
JBD6 SAPMKES1 Data mining: Change form |
JBD7 SAPMKES1 Data Mining: Display Form |
JBD8 RKCDUMDM Display Results of Data Mining |
JBGK SAPMJBD7 Maintain Yield Curve Types |
JBG0 SAPMKEA3_NEW CO-PA Bank: Edit Operating Concern |
JBG0O SAPMKEA3 CO-PA Bank: Edit Operating Concern |
JBHTL RJBRHITRL Translate Characteristic Hierarchie |
JBHTR RJBRHITR Transport Characteristic Hierarchie |
JBI1 RKE_CALL_PA_SSTPA transfer structure CO |
JBKA RJBTCKA1 SAP Banking: Costing Sheet Analysis |
JBKW SAPLJBKWTP Actual Process Allocation: Fin. Obj |
JBK1 SAPMKES1 Preliminary Costing: Create Form |
JBK2 SAPMKES1 Preliminary Costing: Change form |
JBK3 SAPMKES1 Preliminary Costing: Display Form |
JBLDC SAPMJBLC Var. Transaction Ledger Dimensions |
JBLF RKCDLMON Determine Log Number |
JBLZ MENUJBLZ Maturity band |
JBMK SAPMJBMK Required/Optional Fields |
JBMS RJBRMSSE Set filter for messages |
JBMT SAPMMTSK Multitasking Maintenance |
JBMU SAPMJBMU Display Required/Optional Fields |
JBMVT MENUJBMVT Business Partner Configuration Menu |
JBM10 RJBEUVTS Euro Reversal: Variable Transaction |
JBM2 SAPMJBM0 Maint. Transact. Disbursements |
JBM3 SAPMJBE0 SAP Banking: EURO Log Administratio |
JBM4 SAPMJBEU SAP Banking: EURO Conversion Lo/FT |
JBM5 RJBEURKK EURO Conversion: Current Accounts |
JBM6 RJBEUKKS EURO Conv.: Current Accnts (Reverse |
JBM7 RJBEURWP EURO Conversion Security |
JBM8 RJBEUWPS EURO Conversion Security (Cancel) |
JBM9 RJBEURVT Euro Conversion: Variable Transact. |
JBNA RJBRBPNW Regenerate RM Area |
JBPH MENUJBPH Portfolio hierarchy |
JBRBP RJBRBPREO Reorganize Base Portfolios |
JBRCT RJBRCVTR RM: Transport of Char. Values |
JBRCU RJBRCVCU Edit Characteristic Values |
JBRCV RJBRCVAP Maintenance of Characteristic Value |
JBRDG RJBRDERG Generate Program for Char.Derivatio |
JBRDV RJBRDRVAL Maintain Derivation of Rule Entries |
JBRFG SAPMKCGF Edit field groups |
JBRF0 RJBRRMSP Collective Processing of FOs |
JBRGE RJBRTRGE Generate Program Env. for RM Area |
JBRGV RJBRGENV Reorganize Maintenance Modules |
JBRI RJBRNV02 Risk Management: Grid Analysis |
JBRIN RJBRSIIN Initialize view |
JBRJ RJBRNV01 Risk Mgmt: Sensitivity Analysis |
JBRK RRMPH001 Display Portfolio Hierarchies |
JBRKA RJBRPHSH Display Portfolio Hierarchy (old) |
JBRLZB RJBLZB Maintain Maturity Band |
JBRMP0 RJBRRMPRT Logs for Financial Object |
JBRMP1 RJBRRMPRT Logs for Portfolio Hierarchies |
JBRN RJBRVREGC Restructuring per View |
JBRNR RJBRNROB Number Range Administration |
JBRP0 RJBRPHUPDA Update Portfolio Hierarchy (Experts |
JBRR SAPMJBRR_CLASS Maintain Risk Hierarchy |
JBRU RJBRSVAC Single Value Analysis: Sensitivity |
JBRUD RJB_REUSE_DISPLBanking Reuse Library Display |
JBRUM RJB_REUSE_MAINTBanking Reuse Library Maintenance |
JBRW RRMPH001 Generate Portfolio Hierarchy |
JBRX RJBRSVAC Single Value Analysis: NPV |
JBRY RJBRSVAC Single Value Analysis: Hist. Sim. |
JBRZ RJBRDRCL Maintain Derivation Strategy |
JBR0 SAPMJBRSN Maintain Market Data Shifts |
JBR1 RJBRCHEK Check Selected Settings |
JBR10S SAPMJBR10 RM: Display External Key Figures |
JBR10U SAPMJBR10 RM: Maintain External Key Figures |
JBR2 RJBRSTDSHOW Display Saved Data |
JBR3 RJBRCFKZ Assign Flow Type to Cash Flow Indic |
JBR4 RRMPH001 Delete Portfolio Hierarchies |
JBR4E RRMPH001 Deactivate Portfolio Hierarchies |
JBR5 RJBRPHUPD Update Portfolio Hierarchy |
JBR6 RJBRSIDE Delete View |
JBR7 RJBRSLZB Display Maturity Band |
JBR8 RJBRPHAD Adjust Portfolio Hierarchy |
JBR9 RJBRBPAG Report for Aggr. Base Portfolio Dat |
JBSV SAPMJBDD Maintain Service |
JBSY MENUJBSY IS-B: Treasury Master Data |
JBTA SAPMJBTR Costing Rule for Node Costing |
JBTZ SAPMJBTZ Maintain Cash Flow |
JBT1 SAPMJBTR Maintain Costing Rule |
JBVL MENUJBVL Volatilities |
JBVTCH BUSSTART Change Variable Transaction |
JBVTCR BUSSTART Create Variable Transaction |
JBVTSH BUSSTART Display Variable Transaction |
JBWA RKKBRPTR Access Report Tree |
JBWB RKDBAT02 Maintain Batch Variants |
JBWC SAPMKCIC Comments Management: Treasury |
JBWG RKE_CALL_VC_TKECharacteristic Groups for RM |
JBWH SAPMKXHI Maintain hierarchy |
JBWK RKDMKCIK Maintain key figures |
JBWM SAPMKCB9 Test Monitor: RM Drilldown Reportin |
JBWO RKCOBTR2 Transport Reports |
JBWP RKCOBTR4 Transport forms |
JBWPR RJBRREIF RM: Display Interface Programs |
JBWQ RKCOBTR3 Import reports from client 000 |
JBWR RKCOBTR5 Import Forms from Client 000 |
JBWS RKDSTRUC Display structure |
JBWT RKCTRTX1 Translation Tool - Drilldown Report |
JBWU SAPMKCB9 Convert drilldown reports |
JBWV RKES0101 Maintain Global Variable |
JBWW SAPMKCC0 Mainten.curr.conversion type TMR |
JBWX RKDREOBE Reorganize Drilldown Reports |
JBWY RKDREODA Reorganize Report Data |
JBWZ RKDREOFO Reorganize Forms |
JBW0 SAPMKCEE Execute Report |
JBW1 SAPMKCEE Create Report |
JBW2 SAPMKCEE Change Report |
JBW3 SAPMKCEE Display Report |
JBW4 SAPMKES1 Create Form |
JBW5 SAPMKES1 Change Form |
JBW6 SAPMKES1 Display Form |
JBW7 SAPMKEFB Maintain authorization obj. present |
JBW8 SAPMKEFB Display authorization obj.presentat |
JBYC RJBRATES Overview/Maintenance of Yield Curve |
JBZK SAPL0WP1 Assign Condition Types->Cond. Group |
JB0B MENUJB0B Maintain Financial Conditions |
JB0J MENUJB0J Treasury Master Data |
JB0K RJBTKALO Costing Call |
JB0O SAPMJBDK Copy Company Code |
JB0P RJBTPRAZ_APL Display and Delete Logs |
JB0R RJBTKALR Backdating |
JB02 MENUJB02 Bank Single Transaction Costing |
JB04 MENUJB04 Bank Risk Management |
JB05 MENUJB05 IS-B: Bank regulatory reporting |
JB06 MENUJB06 Bank RM Configuration Menu |
JB07 MENUJB07 IS-B: Settings menu - bank reg.rep. |
JB08 MENUJB08 Bank STC Configuration Menu |
JB1K RJBTKALK00 Update costing |
JB12 MENUJB12 Limit Management |
JB16 RJBTKRLT Costing Rule List |
JB18 RJBTKMP Display Req./Opt.Control |
JB19 MENUJB19 Asset/Liability Management |
JB2X MENUJB2X Securities |
JB22 RJBTKALB Calculate Core Deposits |
JB3M RTRFIENM List of curr. supported field names |
JB3P RKDBATV3 Maintain variant groups |
JB3Q RKDBAT02 Maintain Variants |
JB3R RKDBATV4 Schedule variant group |
JB3S RKDBATV5 Define variant group |
JB4A SAPMV12A Change SD Condition Table |
JB4B SAPMV12A Display SD Condition Table |
JB4C SAPMV13A Create SD Condition using Template |
JB4L SAPMV14A Create List of Conditions |
JB4N SAPMV14A Change List of Conditions |
JB4O SAPMV14A Display List of Conditions |
JB4Q SAPMV14A Execute List of Conditions |
JB4X MENUJB4X Money market |
JB41 SAPMV13A Create SD Condition |
JB42 SAPMV13A Change SD Condition |
JB43 SAPMV13A Display SD Condition |
JB49 SAPMV12A Create SD Condition Table |
JB6X MENUJB6X Derivatives |
JB68 RJBINTZK Interpolate yield curves |
JB69 SAPMJBDZ Maintain Int. Rates for Yield Curve |
JB69T SAPMJBDZ TimeOFday dep. IR's for Zcurves pf1 |
JB81 SAPMJBD1 Maintain account |
JB99 MENUJB99 Test Menu ONLINE Integration |
JVTT SAPMSCAT Joint Venture Test Tool |
J1AH SAPLJ1AO Creating Way Bills |
J1AI J_1AA001 Asset Revaluation (Inflation) |
J1AJ SAPLJ1AO Print Way Bill Document |
J1AM J_1AIP01 Delete and create index version |
J1AP SAPMSNUM Nummernkreispflege: J_1APRNTCH |
J1AX J_1ARCVM Market price determination program |
J1AZ J_1AMCIP MM index adjustment program |
J1A3 J_1AMGIP MM goods issue revaluation |
J1A5 J_1AMLBS MM Warehouse stock report (Arg.) |
J1A6 SAPMJ1A6 Modify Official Document Number |
J1A7 J_1AMGMC Average cost valuation |
J1BBST RFID_BR_TRBAL Balance Sheet Transfer Loans: Brazi |
J1BF SAPMV13B Create Entries for Output Type |
J1BG SAPMV13B Change Entries for Output Type |
J1BH SAPMV13B Display Entries for Output Type |
J1BO SAPMV12A Output CondTable/Create Nota Fiscal |
J1BP SAPMV12A Output CondTable/Change Nota Fiscal |
J1BQ SAPMV12A Output CondTable/Display Nota Fisca |
J1BTAX J_1B_MIGRATE_TATax Manager's Workplace |
J1B1 SAPMJ1B1 Create Nota Fiscal (Writer) |
J1B1N SAPMJ1B1 Create Nota Fiscal (Writer) - Enjoy |
J1B2 SAPMJ1B1 Change Nota Fiscal |
J1B2N SAPMJ1B1 Change Nota Fiscal - Enjoy |
J1B3 SAPMJ1B1 Display Nota Fiscal |
J1B3N SAPMJ1B1 Display Nota Fiscal - Enjoy |
J1IA SAPMJ1IA Excise Invoice Details |
J1IB SAPMJ1IB Excise Verification And Posting |
J1ID SAPMJ1ID Rate maint & amend open po's/so's |
J1IEX SAPLJ1IEX Incoming Excise Invoices |
J1IF SAPMJ1IF Subcontracting |
J1IFQ SAPMJ1IFQ Challan : Reconcile Quantity |
J1IFR J_1IDOCLIST Subcontracting Challan Listing |
J1IF01 SAPMJ1IFN Subcontracting Challan : Create |
J1IF11 SAPMJ1IFN Subcontracting Challan : Change |
J1IF12 SAPMJ1IFN Subcontracting Challans : Display |
J1IF13 SAPMJ1IFN Challan Complete/Reverse/Recredit |
J1IG SAPMJ1IG RG23D register receipt at depot |
J1IGA SAPMJ1IGA Additional Excise Entry at Depot |
J1IGAD SAPMJ1IGA Additional Excise at Depot Displa |
J1IGR J_1IEXCP_GR1 List of GR's without gate pass |
J1IH SAPMJ1IH Create Excise JV |
J1IHBK J_1IHBKD Copy House Bank ID from Invoice |
J1IIN SAPMJ1IIN Outgoing Excise Invoice |
J1IJ SAPMJ1IJ Excise invoice selec. at depot sale |
J1IK SAPMJ1IK Selection of Excise Invoice - Commo |
J1IL MENUJ1IL India Localization |
J1IN SAPMJ1IN India Version Tax Deduction at Sour |
J1INAR J_1IEWT_ANN_RETAnnual Returns |
J1INC J_1ITDS2 Tax Deduction at Source: Classic |
J1INCC J_1IEWT_CERT_CUPrint Customer WH Tax Certificates |
J1INHC J_1IEWT_HEALTH_Health check for migration to EWT |
J1INJV SAPMJ1INJV Enter Journal Voucher |
J1INPP J_1IEWT_UPDATE_Update Business Place in FI documen |
J1INPR J_1IEWT_PROVISIProvisions for Taxes on Services |
J1INUT J_1IEWT_PROV_UTUtilise Withholding Tax on Provisio |
J1IO J_1IRTRO Retrospective price amendments |
J1IP J_1IPRNE Excise invoice print |
J1IQ J_1IITDEP Year-End IT Depreciation Report |
J1IR J_1IDNLD Data Download |
J1IS SAPMJ1IS Excise invoice for other movements |
J1IU SAPMJ1IU Forms capture |
J1IUN SAPMJ1IUN Forms tracking |
J1IV SAPMJ1IV Excise post & print for others mvmt |
J1IW SAPMJ1IW Excise Invoice without PO |
J1IX SAPMJ1IX Excise Invoice Verification WO PO |
J1I0 J_1ICWIZ Customizing wizard |
J1I2 J_1ISTAX Sales Tax Register |
J1I3 J_1I_BATCH_UTILModvat utilzation in batch |
J1I5 J_1IREGSN Register creation for RG23 and RG1 |
J1I6 J_1IMODF Modvat forecast |
J1I7 J_1IEXCH Query Excise invoices |
J1I8 J_1ICHLN TDS Challan Update |
J2IB J_1ISTCH Service tax challan |
J2IC J_1IST3 Service tax returns |
J2IE J_1ITDSR View Archived TDS documents |
J2IF J_1I_EXCISE_DOCDisplay document flow |
J2IN J_2IRTN New RT-12 Report |
J2IRG1 J_2IRRG1 Register RG1 |
J2IU J_1IRUTZ Fortnightly Utilization |
J2I5 J_2IREXT Extract |
J2I6 J_2IRPUT Print Utility |
J2I8 J_1ICAPG Avail.of subs credit for Cap Goods |
J2I9 J_1I57AE New Monthly Returns Report Rule 57A |
KABL SAPMKB01 Order: Planning Overview |
KABP RKAEP000 Controlling Documents: Plan |
KAB9 SAPMKB02 Planning Report: Orders |
KAFD SAPLKAFD External Data Transfer |
KAFL SAPLKAFD Delete All Costs Transferred w. KAF |
KAH1 SAPLKKHI Create Cost Element Group |
KAH2 SAPLKKHI Change cost element group |
KAH3 SAPLKKHI Display cost element group |
KALA RKAKALC3 Activate Reconciliation Ledger |
KALB RKAKALC3 Deactivate Reconciliation Ledger |
KALC RKAKALFI Cost Flow Message |
KALD RKAKALDE Reset Reconciliation Ledger |
KALE RKAKALT9 Reconcil.Ledger: Display Totals Rec |
KALF RKAKALBT Start Background Report RKAKALBT |
KALH RKAKALBR Change Rules for Reconcil. Posting |
KALI RKKBJBIN Import Reconcil. Ledger Reports |
KALK RKAKALBS Create Rules for Reconcil. Posting |
KALM SAPMKKB2 Display Reconcil. Ledger Report Tre |
KALN SAPMKKB5 Report Tree: Maint. Reconcil. Ledge |
KALO RGLEXE03 Export Reconcil. Ledger (Rollup) |
KALR RKAKALR1 Reconciliaton Ledger: CO Line Items |
KALS RKAKALFI Reverse Reconciliation Posting |
KALX RKAKALX1 Fill Original Units in CO Document |
KALY RKAKALX2 Convert Reconc. Ledger Documents |
KAL1 RKAKALF1 Reconcil. Ledger Follow-Up Posting |
KAL7 RKAKALR2 Overview of Cost Flows |
KAL8 RKKBBGEN Generate Reconcil. Ledger Reports |
KAMN MENUKAMN Menu for Internal Orders |
KANK SAPMSNUM Number range maint.: RK_BELEG |
KAUM RKACUMTK Display Conversion Milestones |
KAVA RBDSECOT Send Cost Center Totals Records |
KAVB RGSALECC Send Cost Center Group |
KAVC RGSALECE Send Cost Element Group |
KAVD RGSALEAT Send Activity Type Group |
KA01 SAPLKMA4 Create Cost Element |
KA02 SAPLKMA4 Change Cost Element |
KA03 SAPLKMA4 Display Cost Element |
KA04 SAPLKMA4 Delete cost element |
KA05 SAPMKMAA Cost element: display changes |
KA06 SAPLKMA4 Create Secondary Cost Element |
KA23 SAPLKMA4 Cost Elements: Master Data Report |
KA24 SAPLKMA4 Delete Cost Elements |
KBC0 RKKBC000 Maintain list of screen variants |
KBC6 RKTARPLN CO-ABC: Manual Actual Price |
KBC7 RKTARPLN CO-ABC: Display manual actl. price |
KBEA KFPR_ARCH_SET_DTrsfr Price Docs: Set Del.Indicator |
KBH1 SAPLKKHI Create statistical key figure group |
KBH2 SAPLKKHI Change statistical key figure group |
KBH3 SAPLKKHI Display statistical key figure grou |
KBK6 RKTARPLN CO-CCA: Manual Actual Price |
KBK7 RKTARPLN CO-CCA: Display manual actl price |
KB11 SAPMK23B Enter Reposting of Primary Costs |
KB11N SAPLK23F1 Enter Manual Repostings of Costs |
KB13 SAPMK23B Display Reposting of Primary Costs |
KB13N SAPLK23F1 Display Manual Repostings of Costs |
KB14 SAPMK23B Reverse Reposting of Primary Costs |
KB14N SAPLK23F1 Reverse Manual Repostings of Costs |
KB15 SAPMK23B Enter Manual Allocations |
KB15N SAPLK23F1 Enter Manual Allocations |
KB16 SAPMK23B Display Manual Allocations |
KB16N SAPLK23F1 Display Manual Allocations |
KB17 SAPMK23B Reverse Manual Allocations |
KB17N SAPLK23F1 Reverse Manual Allocations |
KB21 SAPMK23B Enter Activity Allocation |
KB21N SAPLK23F1 Enter Direct Activity Allocation |
KB22 SAPMK23B IAA via Internet |
KB23 SAPMK23B Display Activity Allocation |
KB23N SAPLK23F1 Display Direct Activity Allocation |
KB24 SAPMK23B Reverse Activity Allocation |
KB24N SAPLK23F1 Reverse Direct Activity Allocation |
KB27 SAPMK23B IAA Enter Other Periods |
KB31 SAPMK23B Enter Statistical Key Figures |
KB31N SAPLK23F1 Enter Statistical Key Figures |
KB33 SAPMK23B Display Statistical Key Figures |
KB33N SAPLK23F1 Display Statistical Key Figures |
KB34 SAPMK23B Reverse Statistical Key Figures |
KB34N SAPLK23F1 Reverse Statistical Key Figures |
KB41 SAPMK23B Enter Reposting of Revenues |
KB41N SAPLK23F1 Enter Manual Repostings of Revenue |
KB43 SAPMK23B Display Reposting of Revenues |
KB43N SAPLK23F1 Display Manual Repostings of Revenu |
KB44 SAPMK23B Reverse Reposting of Revenues |
KB44N SAPLK23F1 Reverse Manual Repostings of Revenu |
KB51 SAPMK23B Enter Activity Posting |
KB51N SAPLK23F1 Enter Sender Activities |
KB53 SAPMK23B Display Activity Posting |
KB53N SAPLK23F1 Display Sender Activities |
KB54 SAPMK23B Reverse Activity Posting |
KB54N SAPLK23F1 Reverse Sender Activities |
KB61 SAPMK23D Enter Reposting of CO Line Items |
KB63 SAPMK23D Display Reposting of CO Line Items |
KB64 SAPMK23D Reverse Reposting of CO Line Items |
KB65 SAPMK23D Enter Indirect Acty Alloc.Reposting |
KB66 SAPMK23D Display Indir. Acty Alloc. Repostin |
KB67 SAPMK23D Reverse IAA Reposting |
KB71 SAPMK23B JV-Transfer Postings |
KCAN SAPLKCD0 Derivation |
KCA0 SAPMKCIA SAP-EIS: Edit aspect |
KCA1 RKCREOAS Reorganize aspect tables |
KCA2 SAPMKCGF Edit field groups |
KCA5 RKCMKCGD Edit characteristics |
KCA6 RKCMKCGD Edit basic key figures |
KCBA SAPMKCEE Report class overview |
KCBB RKCUSRGR Set user group |
KCBH SAPMKCBH Report portfolio data transfer |
KCBW RKCDSDDG EC-EIS/BP: Generate DataSource |
KCB0 SAPMKCEE Execute report |
KCB1 SAPMKCEE Create report |
KCB2 SAPMKCEE Change report |
KCB3 SAPMKCEE Display report |
KCB4 SAPMKCEE Create report class |
KCB5 SAPMKCEE Change report class |
KCB6 SAPMKCEE Display report class |
KCB7 SAPMKCEE Create user group |
KCB8 SAPMKCEE Change user group |
KCB9 SAPMKCEE Display user group |
KCCO SAPMKCCO EC-EIS/BP: Manage comment tables |
KCC0 SAPMKCC0 Maintain currency translation key |
KCC1 SAPMKCC0 Currency translation sender program |
KCC2 SAPMKCC0 Cross-table translation key |
KCDI RKDREPDV Divide report |
KCDR RKCDOREO Reorganization document flag T242B |
KCDU RKCTRERU Structure of summ. level of SAP-EIS |
KCDV SAPMKEDV Maintain summarization levels |
KCEA RKCDEDIA Set planner profile |
KCED RKCDEDEI Define Flexible Excel Upload |
KCEE RKC_FLEX_UPL Flexible Excel Upload to SAP-EIS |
KCE1 RKCSELEC Display transaction data |
KCE2 RKCDELET Delete transaction data |
KCE3 RKCREPSE SAP-EIS: Choose Collection Program |
KCE4 RKCDEDIA Change transaction data (EIS/BP) |
KCE5 RKCDEDIA Display transaction data (EIS/BP) |
KCE6 SAPLKXDE Individual record entry |
KCE7 SAPLKXDE EIS: Single record display |
KCE8 RKCDEDIA EC-BP: Change plan data |
KCE9 RKCDEDIA EC-BP: Display plan data |
KCFR SAPLKCD0 EDT: Maintain Transfer Rules |
KCF0 RKCFILE0 Import File |
KCF1 RKCFILE0 Import master data file |
KCF2 RKCFILE0 Import comments file |
KCF3 RKE_CALL_VC_TKEChange revaluation factors |
KCF4 RKE_CALL_VC_TKEDisplay revaluation factors |
KCH1 SAPLKKHI Create Profit Center Group |
KCH2 SAPLKKHI Change profit center hierarchy |
KCH3 SAPLKKHI Display profit center hierarchy |
KCH4 RCOPCA15 EC-PCA: Create Standard Hierarchy |
KCH5 RCOPCA15 EC-PCA: Change standard hierarchy |
KCH5N KEO_START_NF_STEC-PCA: Change Standard Hierarchy |
KCH5NX KEO_START_NF_STEC-PCA: Change Stand.Hier. EO Activ |
KCH6 RCOPCA15 EC-PCA: Display standard hierarchy |
KCH6N KEO_START_NF_STEC-PCA: Display Standard Hierarchy |
KCH6NX KEO_START_NF_STEC-PCA: Disp. Stand.Hier. EO Active |
KCJ0 RKCHINOD EIS/BP: Hierarchy node maintenance |
KCJ1 SAPMKXHI EC-EIS/EC-BP: Hierarchy maintenance |
KCJ2 RKCDMREF EC-EIS: Copy reference hierarchies |
KCJ3 SAPMKXHI Hierarchy Maintenance |
KCKB SAPMKCIK Formulas for basic key figures |
KCK0 SAPMKCIK Key figures |
KCK1 RKCDLKR0 Display key figure |
KCLA KCFDUADS EDT: Automatic File Split |
KCLF RKCFILEF External Data Transfer |
KCLFS KCDSTRUCF Sender Structures |
KCLJ RKCFILE7 EDT: Execute Transfer |
KCLL KCDSTRUC EDT: Generate Sender Structure |
KCLU KCFDUTYP EDT: Maintain Transfer Types |
KCLV KCFDUREORG EDT: Delete Obsolete Programs |
KCO1 RKCCOLST Comments on transaction data |
KCPA SAPMKCPL2 Automatic Planning: Copy |
KCPB SAPMSJOB Batch jobs aut. planning |
KCPD SAPMKCPD Delete plan data with key fig. sel. |
KCPL SAPMKCPL2 Automatic Planning: Change |
KCPL2 SAPMKCPL2 Automatic Planning: Change |
KCPT SAPMKCPL2 Automatic planning: top-down distr. |
KCPT2 SAPMKCPL2 Automatic Planning: Top-Down |
KCPZ RKE_CALL_V_TKEPSegment-Specific Planning Functions |
KCP0 SAPMKCPL2 Automatic Planning |
KCP1 RKCAPPLO Validation logs data entry |
KCP2 SAPMKCPL2 Automatic Planning: Forecast |
KCP22 SAPMKCPL2 Automatic Planning: Forecast |
KCP4 SAPMKES1 Create entry form |
KCP5 SAPMKES1 Change entry form |
KCP6 SAPMKES1 Display entry form |
KCP7 SAPMKES1 Create planning layout |
KCP8 SAPMKES1 Change planning layout |
KCP9 SAPMKES1 Display planning layout |
KCRA RKES0102 Maintain variant table |
KCRB RKDBATPF Maintain variable groups |
KCRC RKCBATCH Print/actualize reports |
KCRE RKES0101 Maintain Global Variables |
KCRF RKE_CALL_VC_TKEMaintain Char.Grps for SAP-EIS Rep. |
KCRP RKDBATV3 Maintain variant groups |
KCRQ RKDBAT02 Maintain Variants |
KCRR RKCTREE0 Report selection |
KCRS RKDBATV4 Schedule Variant Group |
KCRT RKDBATV5 Define Variant Group |
KCRU SAPMKCB9 Convert drilldown reports |
KCR0 SAPMKCEE Run Drilldown Report |
KCR1 SAPMKCEE Create Drilldown Report |
KCR2 SAPMKCEE Change drilldown report |
KCR3 SAPMKCEE Display Drilldown Report |
KCR4 SAPMKES1 Create form |
KCR5 SAPMKES1 Change form |
KCR6 SAPMKES1 Display form |
KCR7 SAPMKEFB Maintain authorization obj. present |
KCR8 SAPMKEFB Display authorization obj.presentat |
KCS2 SAPMKCI2 SAP-EIS: Delete char. values |
KCS3 SAPMKCI2 SAP-EIS: Maintain character. values |
KCS4 SAPMKCI2 SAP-EIS: Display character. values |
KCS5 SAPMSVMA Maintain characteristics (view) |
KCS6 SAPMSVMA Display characteristics (view) |
KCS7 RKCMDYRC Maintain fiscal year |
KCT0 SAPMKCIC EC-EIS/EC-BP: Comment management |
KCT1 SAPMKCIC EC-EIS/EC-BP: Reorganize comments |
KCUA RKCDLMON Display Transfer Log |
KCUU RKDREODA Report Data Reorganization |
KCVA SAPLKXDE EIS/BP: Maintain validations/rules |
KCVC SAPLKXDE EIS/BP: Copy validations/rules |
KCVD RKDREOBE Overview of Reports |
KCVL SAPMKCDA Variable list element in basic rep. |
KCVV RKDREOBE Reorganization Reports |
KCV0 SAPLKEFV_MNT Maintain Distribution Keys |
KCV1 SAPMGPSP Create Distribution Key |
KCV2 SAPMGPSP Change distribution key |
KCV3 SAPMGPSP Display distribution key |
KCV4 SAPMGPSP Delete distribution key |
KCWA SAPMKCC0 Maintain Currency Translation Type |
KCWW RKDREOFO Reorganize forms |
KCW0 SAPMKCB9 Testmonitor reporting SAP-EIS |
KCXX RKDREOVG Reorganization of Variant Groups |
KCZ1 RKC_START_ARCHIEC-EIS/BP: Archive transaction data |
KC7R SAPLKCD0 EDT: Maintain Transfer Rules |
KDH1 SAPLKKHI Create Account Group |
KDH2 SAPLKKHI Change Account Group |
KDH3 SAPLKKHI Display Account Group |
KDTT RKDCTRAN Display incorrect report |
KEAE RKABCPAC Generate Proc. Template Environment |
KEAF SAPMKECM_VFIELDValue Field Analysis |
KEAW RKE_RECONCILIATReconciliation Make-to-Order Prod. |
KEA0 SAPMKEA3_NEW CO-PA: Maintain Operating Concern |
KEA0O SAPMKEA3 CO-PA: Maintain Operating Concern |
KEA5 RKCMKCGD Maintain Characteristics |
KEA6 RKCMKCGD Edit Value Fields |
KEBA RKEBER01 Display operating concern |
KEBC RKEBER01 Change operating concern |
KEBI RKEBER01 Set operating concern (batch-input) |
KEB0 RKEBW100 Create CO-PA DataSource |
KEB2 RKEBW201 Display Dtld Info on CO-PA DataSrce |
KEB3 RKEBW202 Activate Debugging Support |
KEB4 RKEBW203 Reset Replication Status |
KEB5 RKEBW211 Reduce Data Volumes for Test |
KECA COPA_COPY Copying Transaction Data (Actual) |
KECB COPA_ERKRS_2_BUCO-PA Company Code Line Items |
KECC COPA_COPY_PLAN Copy Transaction Data ( Plan ) |
KECM SAPMKECM_MAIN CO-PA: Customizing Monitor |
KECP SAPMKECP Copy Operating Concern |
KECT RKE_CALL_CTU1 Maintain Environ. Dyn. Process Allo |
KEC0 SAPMKCC0 Maintain curr. transl. type (CO-PA) |
KEC3 SAPMKCC0 Cross-table translation key CO-PA |
KEDA RKETREXT Export Summarization Level |
KEDB RKEDELTEST Deletion of Test Data in CO-PA |
KEDD RKE_SHOW_KEDR_DCOPA Char. Derivation Overview ALV |
KEDF RKETRERF CO-PA: Fill Summ. Levels (Expert) |
KEDJ RKETRERJ CO-PA: Fill Summ. Levels (Expert) |
KEDT SAPMKETREPROT Log Summarization Logs |
KEDU RKETRERU CO-PA: Build Summarization Levels |
KEDUS RKETRERF_PARALLCO-PA: Period Build of Summ. Levels |
KEDUSM RKETRERF_PERIODCO-PA: Monitor Build for Summ. Lvls |
KEDV SAPMKEDV CO-PA: Maintain Summarization Level |
KEDVP RKETREPROP Default for Summarization Levels |
KEDVPD RKETREPROPD Proposal for Summ. Levels (Analysis |
KEDVS SAPMKETRESTORAGMaintain Old Storage Summ. Levels |
KEDW RKETRERV CO-PA: Fill Summ. Levels (Expert) |
KEDX RKETRERT CO-PA:Fill Summ.Lev. from Summ. Lev |
KEDZ RKE_PROT_EVALUARead Interface for CO-PA Log |
KED0 SAPMKEDR Derivation: Initial Screen |
KED5 SAPMKES1 Data Mining: Create Form |
KED6 SAPMKES1 Data Mining: Change Form |
KED7 SAPMKES1 Data Mining: Display Form |
KEEU SAPMKCB9 CO-PA EIS/BP: Generate transfer |
KEE0 RPCADIFF PCA: Generate Line Item Difference |
KEFA RKEVEXT1 Maintain Sender Structures |
KEFB RKEVEXT2 Maintain Rules |
KEFC RKEVEXT3 CO-PA External Data Transfer |
KEFD SAPLKCD0 Maintain Rules |
KEF1 RKE_CALL_VC_TKEChange Revaluation Keys |
KEF2 RKE_CALL_VC_TKEDisplay revaluation indices |
KEGA SAPMKAL1 Delete Indirect Plan Acty Alloc. |
KEGAN SAPLKAL1 Delete Indirect Plan Acty Allocatio |
KEGB SAPMKGA2 Execute Indirect Plan Acty Alloc. |
KEGC SAPMKGA1 Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.: Overview |
KEGCN SAPMKGA1 Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.: Overview |
KEGD RKE_KEGD Overview Actual IAA Cycles |
KEGE RKE_KEGE Overview Plan IAA Cycles |
KEGV RKEPLANMETHOD Generate Variant from KEPM Environm |
KEG1 SAPMKAL1 Create Indirect Actual Acty Alloc. |
KEG1N SAPLKAL1 Create Indirect Actual Acty Alloc. |
KEG2 SAPMKAL1 Change Indirect Actual Acty Alloc. |
KEG2N SAPLKAL1 Change Indirect Actual Acty Alloc. |
KEG3 SAPMKAL1 Display Indirect Actual Acty Alloc. |
KEG3N SAPLKAL1 Display Indirect Actual Acty Alloc. |
KEG4 SAPMKAL1 Delete Indirect Actual Acty Alloc. |
KEG4N SAPLKAL1 Delete Indirect Actual Acty Alloc. |
KEG5 SAPMKGA2 Execute Indirect Actual Acty Alloc. |
KEG6 SAPMKGA1 Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.:Overvie |
KEG6N SAPMKGA1 Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.:Overvie |
KEG7 SAPMKAL1 Create Indirect Plan Acty Alloc. |
KEG7N SAPLKAL1 Create Indirect Plan Acty Allocatio |
KEG8 SAPMKAL1 Change Indirect Plan Acty Alloc. |
KEG8N SAPLKAL1 Change Indirect Plan Acty Allocatio |
KEG9 SAPMKAL1 Display Indirect Plan Acty Alloc. |
KEG9N SAPLKAL1 Display Indirect Plan Acty Alloc. |
KEH5 SAPMKES1 Change Form |
KEI1 RKE_CALL_PA_SSTMaintain PA Transfer Structure |
KEI2 RKE_CALL_PA_SSTMaintain PA Transfer Structure |
KEI3 RKE_CALL_PA_SSTMaintain PA Transfer Structure |
KEK0 SAPMKCIK Test Key Figure Transaction |
KELR RKEBW3RE Data Transfer from BW to CO-PA |
KELS RKEBW3RV Cancel Transfer |
KELU RKEBW3UE Overview: Data Transfer BW to CO-PA |
KELV RKEBW3VA Variant for Query Variable |
KEMDM SAPMKEC1N Profit Center Master Data Maint. |
KEMN MENUKEMN Profitability Analysis appl. menu |
KEMO SAPMKCB9 Profitability report: Test monitor |
KEND SAPMKEND Realignments |
KEN1 SAPMSNUM Maintain Number Range: COPA_IST |
KEN2 SAPMSNUM Maint. number ranges: CO-PA plannin |
KEOAP2 KEO_START_NF Change Altern. Profit Center Struct |
KEOAP3 KEO_START_NF Display Alter. Profit Center Struct |
KEOA1 SAPLCMDT5 Activate Cost Centers |
KEOA2 SAPLCMDT5 Activate Profit Centers |
KEOA3 SAPLCMDT5 Activate Processes |
KEOD1 SAPLCMDT5 Reset Inactive Cost Centers |
KEOD2 SAPLCMDT5 Reset Inactive Profit Centers |
KEOD3 SAPLCMDT5 Reset Inactive Business Process |
KEOG1 RKEOGEN1 Generate Standard Hierarchy |
KEOG2 RKEOGEN2 Generate Alternative Hierarchy |
KEOG3 RKEOGEN3 Replace Standard Hierarhcy |
KEOP1 RKEOPRI0 Print Standard Hierarchy |
KEOP2 RKEOPRI1 Print Enterprise Organization |
KEOV RKEOV CO-PA: Cycle Overview |
KEO1 KEO_START_NF Create Enterprise Organization |
KEO2 KEO_START_NF Change Enterprise Organization |
KEO3 KEO_START_NF Display Enterprise Organization |
KEPA RKE_CALL_VC_TKEChar. Groups for Actual and Plannin |
KEPD RKE_CALL_VC_TKECharacteristic groups for reports |
KEPM_W SAPLKEPLUW Sales & Profit Planning in the WWW |
KEPMU RKE_CONVERT_LAYCreate Planning Level from Layout |
KEPP RKEPLPPR Check plan structure |
KEPZ RKE_CALL_V_TKEPSegment-Specific Planning Functions |
KEPZ_E RKE_CALL_V_TKEPAccess of Segment-Specific Events |
KEPZ_P RKE_CALL_V_TKEPAccess of Segment-Specific Forecast |
KEPZ_U RKE_CALL_V_TKEPAccess of Segment-Specific Revaltn |
KEPZ_V RKE_CALL_V_TKEPAccess of Segment-Specific Distr.Ke |
KEP6 SAPMSVMA Maintain characteristics |
KEP7 SAPMSVMA Display characteristics |
KEP8 SAPMSVMA Operating concerns |
KEQ5 RKEAVIEW Maintain View for Defined Op.Concer |
KEQ6 RKEAVIEW View Maint. with Preset Op. Concern |
KER1 RKEB0401 Maintain Key Figure Scheme |
KES1 RKMERK00 CO-PA Maintain Characteristic Value |
KES2 RKMERK00 Customizing: Display characteristic |
KES3 SAPMKXHI Maintain Characteristics Hierarchy |
KETE SAPMKE0C_TEMP CO-PA: Operating Concern Templates |
KETR RKCTRTX1 CO-PA Translation Tool |
KEUA SAPMKAL1 Delete Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs |
KEUAN SAPLKAL1 Delete Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs |
KEUB SAPMKGA2 Perform plan cost-ctr cost transfer |
KEUC SAPMKGA1 Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs;Overvie |
KEUCN SAPMKGA1 Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs;Overvie |
KEUD RKE_KEUD Overview Actual Assessment Cycles |
KEUE RKE_KEUE Overview Plan Assessment Cycles |
KEUG RKEU1GEN Set up cost-center cost transfer |
KEUH RKEU_KEYFIGURE Maintain Key Figures for Allocation |
KEUU RKDREODA Reorganize data |
KEU1 SAPMKAL1 Create Actual Transfer of CCtr Cost |
KEU1N SAPLKAL1 Create Actual Transfer of CCtr Cost |
KEU2 SAPMKAL1 Change Actual Transfer of CCtr Cost |
KEU2N SAPLKAL1 Change Actual Transfer of CCtr Cost |
KEU3 SAPMKAL1 Display Actl Transfer of CCtr Costs |
KEU3N SAPLKAL1 Display Actl Transfer of CCtr Costs |
KEU4 SAPMKAL1 Delete Actual Transfer of CCtr Cost |
KEU4N SAPLKAL1 Delete Actual Transfer of CCtr Cost |
KEU5 SAPMKGA2 Perform act. cost-ctr cost transfer |
KEU6 SAPMKGA1 Actl Transfer of CCtr Costs;Overvie |
KEU6N SAPMKGA1 Actl Transfer of CCtr Costs;Overvie |
KEU7 SAPMKAL1 Create Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs |
KEU7N SAPLKAL1 Create Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs |
KEU8 SAPMKAL1 Change Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs |
KEU8N SAPLKAL1 Change Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs |
KEU9 SAPMKAL1 Display Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs |
KEU9N SAPLKAL1 Display Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs |
KEVG RKEABCVGA Record Types for Process Costs |
KEVG2 RKE_CALL_V_TKEVAssign Characteristic Group |
KEVG3 RKE_CALL_V_TKEVAssign Value Field Groups |
KEV0 SAPLKEFV_MNT Maintain Distribution Keys |
KEV1 SAPMGPSP Create distribution key |
KEV2 SAPMGPSP Change distribution key |
KEV3 SAPMGPSP Display distribution key |
KEV4 SAPMGPSP Delete distribution key |
KEWUSL RKEWUSL Where-Used List for Cycles (PA) |
KEWW RKDREOFO Reorganize forms |
KEX9 RKEB0405 Reorganize planning layouts |
KEZ5 RKE_DIST Execute Distribution |
KE0B RKEPAKAR Archiving: CO-PA |
KE0C RKEALEGV CO-PA Distribution: Initial Supply |
KE0D RKEALEAG CO-PA Distribution: Reconciliation |
KE0E RKEALE02 CO-PA Distribution: Installation |
KE0G RKEALERU CO-PA Distribution: Roll-up |
KE1A RKEBPR01 Copy complete plan |
KE1B RKEBPR01 Process complete plan |
KE1C RKEBPR01 Delete Plan Data |
KE1D RKEBPR01 Forecast Plan Data |
KE1E RKEBPR01 Transfer Plan Data to SOP |
KE1F RKEBPRAD Complete Plan Management |
KE1G RKEBPR01 Top-Down Complete Plan |
KE1H RKEPLDIA CO-PA Planning: Set Planner Profile |
KE1K RKEBPR01 Transfer to LIS |
KE1L RKEPLPST Create Plan Structure |
KE1M RKEPLPST Change Plan Structure |
KE1N RKEPLPST Display Plan Structure |
KE1O RKE_CALL_V_TKEPMaintain User Exits for Planning |
KE1Q RKEREOLT Reorganize Long Texts |
KE1V RKEBPR01 Transfer to EC-PCA |
KE1W RKEBPR01 Transfer of CO-PA Plan Data to FI-G |
KE1XO RKEVEXT0 Ext. Data Transfer to CO-PA Plannin |
KE1Y RKEBPR01 Transfer of CO-PA Plan Data to FI-S |
KE11 RKEPLDIA Change plan data |
KE12 RKEPLDIA Display plan data |
KE13 KPP_FLEX_UPL Upload from Excel |
KE13N RKE_FLEX_UPL Upload from Excel |
KE13P RKP_FLEX_UPL_PRLog: Flexible Excel Upload |
KE14 SAPMKES1 Create Planning Layout |
KE15 SAPMKES1 Change Planning Layout |
KE16 SAPMKES1 Display Planning Layout |
KE17 SAPMKEFB Maintain Planning Authorization Obj |
KE18 SAPMKEFB Display planning authorization obj. |
KE19 RKEB0403 Reorganize Planning Layouts |
KE2B RKEAE015 Correction to Incoming Orders |
KE2C RKEAEDEL Delete records from error file |
KE2D RKEAEERR Display Error File |
KE2K SAPMKCIK CO-PA: Maintain Key Figures |
KE2T RKEPGEDI CO-PA: Assign IDoc Fields |
KE2U RKEPAEDI CO-PA: Display Segment Types EDIMAP |
KE21 SAPMKEI1 Create CO-PA line item |
KE21N SAPMKEI2 CO-PA Line Item Entry |
KE21S SAPMKEI2 CO-PA Valuation Simulation |
KE23 SAPMKEI1 Display CO-PA line item |
KE23N SAPMKEI2 CO-PA Line Item Display |
KE24 RKEB0601 Line Item Display - Actual Data |
KE25 RKEB0601 Line Item Display - Plan Data |
KE26 RKE_KE26 Repost Accounting Document |
KE27 RKEBPR01 Periodic valuation |
KE27S COPA_REVERSE_KEReversal of KE27 Delta Line Items |
KE28 RKEBPR01 Create top-down distribution |
KE29 RKEBPRAD Management |
KE3A RKDREOBE CO-PA: Reorganize reports + data |
KE3B RKEBATCH Print and actualize reports |
KE3C RKDREOFO Reorganize Forms |
KE3D RKEB0404 Reorganize Line Item Layouts |
KE3E RKES0101 Maintain Global Variables |
KE3F SAPMKES1 Create line item layout |
KE3G SAPMKES1 Change Line Item Layout |
KE3H SAPMKES1 Display line item layout |
KE3I SAPMKCTR CO-PA: Transport tool |
KE3K RKEB0801 Maintain hierarchy |
KE3L RKDREPDV Split report |
KE3M RKDREOBE Overview of Reports |
KE3P RKDBATV3 Maintain Variant Groups |
KE3Q RKDBAT02 Maintain Variants |
KE3R RKDBATV4 Schedule Variant Group |
KE3S RKDBATV5 Define Variant Group |
KE3T RKDREOVG Reorganization of Variant Groups |
KE3X SAPMKKB5 Customize Application Tree |
KE3Y RKEB0701 Report selection |
KE3Z SAPMKCB9 Convert profitability report |
KE30 SAPMKCEE Execute profitability report |
KE31 SAPMKCEE Create profitability report |
KE32 SAPMKCEE Change Report |
KE33 SAPMKCEE Display Report |
KE34 SAPMKES1 Create form |
KE35 SAPMKES1 Change form |
KE36 SAPMKES1 Display form |
KE37 SAPMKEFB Maintain Report Authorization Objec |
KE38 SAPMKEFB Display report authorization object |
KE39 RKDREODA CO-PA: Reorganize report data |
KE4A SAPMV12A Change condition table |
KE4B SAPMV12A Display condition table |
KE4C SAPMV13A Copy Condition |
KE4F RKEAE005 Post Incoming Orders Subsequently |
KE4L SAPMV14A Pricing report |
KE4N SAPMV14A Change Pricing Report |
KE4O SAPMV14A Display Pricing Report |
KE4Q SAPMV14A Execute Pricing Report |
KE4S RKERV002 Post billing documents to CO-PA |
KE4SFI RKEFI005 CO-PA: Post Subsequently from FI |
KE4SMM RKEMM005 CO-PA: Post Material Documents Subs |
KE4ST RKERV002 Simulation billg docs transfer CO-P |
KE4S00 RKECADL1 CO-PA: Reversal of Line Items |
KE4T RKEAE009 Set Up Transfer of Incoming Orders |
KE4TS RKEAE011 Simulate Doc. Transfer from Orders |
KE4U SAPMKEIV Maintain view cluster V_TKEVAx |
KE4XO RKEVEXT0 Transfer External Data to CO-PA |
KE41 SAPMV13A Create condition |
KE42 SAPMV13A Change condition |
KE43 SAPMV13A Display condition |
KE45 RKE_CALL_V_T258Maintain View V_T258I_KO |
KE49 SAPMV12A Create Condition Table |
KE5A SAPMKKB2 EC-PCA: Call up report |
KE5B RECPCA04 EC-PCA: Copy Balance Sheet Acct Grp |
KE5C RCOPCA05 EC-PCA: Account Master Data (CO/FI) |
KE5T RCOPCA44 Compare G/L Accounts FI <-> EC-PCA |
KE5U RCOPCA44 Compare and Reconcile G/L Accounts |
KE5X RCOPCA09N Profit Center: Master Data Index |
KE5Y RCOPCA08 Profit Center: Plan Line Items |
KE5Z RCOPCA02 Profit Center: Actual Line Items |
KE54 SAPMKEC1N Delete Profit Centers |
KE56 RCOPCA60 EC-PCA: Mass Maintenance CCode Assg |
KE57 RCOPCA60 EC-PCA: Mass Maintenance CCode Assg |
KE59 SAPMKEC1 EC-PCA: Create Dummy Profit Center |
KE61 RECPCA11 EC-PCA: Cost group CCSS to GLTPC |
KE62 SAPMGPLC EC-PCA: Copy Data to Plan |
KE75 RBDFEPRC EC-PCA: ALE Get profit centers |
KE77 RBDSEPRC EC-PCA: ALE send profit centers |
KE78 RKEC1ROL EC-PCA: Execute ALE Rollup |
KE79 RGSALEPC EC-PCA: Send ALE Hierarchies |
KE8B RKDBAT02 EC-PCA: Drill-Down Reporting; Bckgd |
KE8C SAPMKCC0 EC-PCA: Maintain Currency Transl. |
KE8D RKDREOBE Overview of Reports |
KE8I RCNCCP10 Copy Report-Report Interface/Report |
KE8K RKDKENNZ Maintain Key Figures |
KE8L RKDREOBE EC-PCA: Reorganize Reports |
KE8M SAPMKCB9 EC-PCA: Test Monitor for Drill-Down |
KE8O RKCOBTR2 Transport Reports |
KE8P RKCOBTR4 Transport Forms |
KE8Q RCNRCJES Import Reports |
KE8R RCNRCJEW Import Form from Client |
KE8U RKDREODA Reorganize Report Data |
KE8V RKES0101 EC-PCA: Maintain global variables |
KE8W RKDREOFO EC-PCA: Reorganize Forms |
KE80 SAPMKCEE EC-PCA: Execute Drill-Down Report |
KE81 SAPMKCEE EC-PCA: Create Drill-Down Report |
KE82 SAPMKCEE EC-PCA: Change Drill-Down Report |
KE83 SAPMKCEE EC-PCA: Display Drill-Down Report |
KE84 SAPMKES1 EC-PCA: Create Form |
KE85 SAPMKES1 EC-PCA: Change Form |
KE86 SAPMKES1 EC-PCA: Display Form |
KE9D RKEB0406 Reorganize Line Item Layouts |
KE91 SAPMKCEE Create Line-Item-Based Report |
KE94 SAPMKES1 Create form |
KE95 SAPMKES1 Change Form |
KE96 SAPMKES1 Display Form |
KE97 SAPMKEFB Maintain Report Authorization Objec |
KE98 SAPMKEFB Display Report Authorization Object |
KFTP RKCFILE0 R/2 - R/3 - Link: File Transfer |
KGI2 SAPLKAZB Act. Overhead: Int.Order Ind.Pro |
KGI4 SAPLKAZB Actual Overhead:Int.Ord. Coll. Proc |
KGO2 SAPLKAZB Overhead Commt: Int.Orders Ind.Pro |
KGO4 SAPLKAZB Overhead Commt: Int.Orders Col.Pro |
KGP2 SAPLKAZB Overhead Plan.: Int.Orders Ind.Pro |
KGP4 SAPLKAZB Overhead Plan.: Int.Orders Col.Pro |
KGST EWSTEUER Control Tables: Consistency Check |
KIMS RKCIMSST R/2 - R/3 - Link: IMS Systems |
KISR SAPMKGA2 Execute Actual Segment Adjustment |
KIS6 SAPMKGA1 Segment Adjustment: Overview |
KIS6N SAPLKAL1 Segment Adjustment: Overview |
KJH1 SAPLKKHI Create WBS Element Groups |
KJH2 SAPLKKHI Change WBS Element Groups |
KJH3 SAPLKKHI Display WBS Element Groups |
KKAA RKAEP000 Sales Document Line Items; Accrual |
KKAB SAPMKKB2 Run Selected Reports |
KKAC RKKBKIS1 Sales Order Hierarchy Display |
KKAD RKKBSEL1 Order List for Make-to-Order |
KKAE SAPKKA10 Results Analysis: Display Worklist |
KKAF SAPKKA11 Results Analysis: Delete Worklist |
KKAG SAPMKKAC WIP: Display Worklist |
KKAH RKKBSELL Sales Order Selection |
KKAI SAPKKA01 Actual Results Analysis: Orders |
KKAIP SAPKKA01PL Planned Results Analysis: Orders |
KKAJ SAPKKA00 Actual Results Analysis: WBS Elem. |
KKAJP SAPKKA00PL Plan Results Analysis: WBS Elements |
KKAK SAPKKA02 Actual Results Analysis: Sales Ordr |
KKAKP SAPKKA02PL Plan Results Analysis: Sales Orders |
KKAL SAPKKA04 Results Analysis: Display Log |
KKAM MENUKKAM Make-to-order |
KKAN SAPKKA05 Results Analysis: Delete Log |
KKAO SAPMKKAC WIP Calc.: Collective Processing |
KKAQ SAPMKKAC Display WIP - Collective Processing |
KKAS SAPMKKAC WIP Calc. for Product Cost Coll. |
KKAT SAPMKKAC WIP Display for Product Cost Coll. |
KKAV SAPMKKAC WIP Calculation for Cost Object Hie |
KKAW SAPMKKAC WIP Display Cost Object Hierarchy |
KKAX SAPMKKAC WIP Calculation for Order |
KKAY SAPMKKAC WIP Display for Order |
KKA0 SAPMKKAB Maintain Cutoff Period |
KKA0P SAPMKKAB Maintain Cutoff Period |
KKA1 SAPMKKAA Order Results Analysis and WIP Calc |
KKA1P SAPMKKAA Order Results Analysis and WIP Calc |
KKA2 SAPMKKAA Project Results Anal. and WIP Calc. |
KKA2P SAPMKKAA Project Results Anal. and WIP Calc. |
KKA3 SAPMKKAA Sales Document Item Results Analysi |
KKA3P SAPMKKAA Sales Document Item Results Analysi |
KKA4 SAPMKKAA Create Res. Analysis Data for Order |
KKA5 SAPMKKAA Create RA Data for WBS Element |
KKA6 SAPMKKAA Create RA Data for Sales Order |
KKA7 SAPMKKAA Delete Results Anal. Data for Order |
KKA7P SAPMKKAA Delete Results Anal. Data for Order |
KKA8 SAPMKKAA Delete RA Data for WBS Element |
KKA8P SAPMKKAA Delete RA Data for WBS Element |
KKA9 SAPMKKAA Delete RA Data for Sales Order |
KKA9P SAPMKKAA Delete RA Data for Sales Order |
KKBB RKKB1000 Report Call CM |
KKBC SAPMKKB2 Main Tree for CO-PC Info System |
KKBD RKKBSELN Order Selection Without Variances |
KKBE RKKBSELN Order Selection with Variances |
KKBF RKKBSEL1 Order Selection (Classification) |
KKBG RKKBJGEN Generate Report Group |
KKBH SAPMKB02 Planning report: Cost objects |
KKBI RKKBJEIN Import/Generate FI/CO Report Groups |
KKBU SAPMKB01 Cost Object: Planning Overview |
KKBZ RKKRHILI2 Display Hierarchy List |
KKB0 RKKB2030 Control Parameters for Info System |
KKB0N RKKB2030N Control Parameters for Info System |
KKB1 RKKBKIS1 Costing Items for Sales Document |
KKB2 RKKBKIS1 Costing Items for Cost Object |
KKB3 RKKBKIS1 Costing Items for WBS Elements |
KKB4 RKKBKIS1 Itemization for Base Planning Obj. |
KKB5 RKKBKIS1 Costing Items for Material |
KKB6 RKKBFOCO Configure Report Trees |
KKCA RKAEP000 Cost Objects: Variance Line Items |
KKCP RKAEP000 Cost Object Line Items - Plan |
KKCS RKAEP000 Cost Objects: Line Items - Actual |
KKCV SAPMV76A Var. Cost Obj. Line Items Config. |
KKC1 SAPMKKP0 Create Cost Object |
KKC2 SAPMKKP0 Change Cost Object |
KKC3 SAPMKKP0 Display Cost Object |
KKC4 SAPMKKPP Create Cost Object Planning |
KKC5 SAPMKKPP Change Cost Object Planning |
KKC6 SAPMKKPP Display Cost Object Planning |
KKC7 SAPMKKP0 Create Product Group |
KKC8 SAPMKKP0 Change Product Group |
KKC9 SAPMKKP0 Display Product Group |
KKDV SAPMKEDV CO-PC: Summarization level maint. |
KKEB RKKEK0BI Revaluate Base Planning Objects |
KKEC RKKEKLVE Compare Base Object - Unit Cost Est |
KKED RKKBKIS1 BOM for Base Planning Objects |
KKE1 SAPMK70B Add Base Planning Object |
KKE2 SAPMK70B Change Base Planning Object |
KKE3 SAPMK70B Display Base Planning Object |
KKE4 RKKEBTL1 List Base Planning Objects |
KKE5 RKKEDEL1 Delete Test Data for Base Object |
KKE6 SAPMKKB4 Analyze Unit Cost Est Base Plan Obj |
KKE7 RKKBRPTR Report Tree Base Planning Object |
KKFB RKAEP000 RS Header: Line Items Variance |
KKF1 SAPMKAUF Create CO Production Order |
KKF2 SAPMKAUF Change CO Production Order |
KKF3 SAPMKAUF Display CO Production Order |
KKF4 SAPMKBUD Change CO-FA Plan Values |
KKF5 SAPMKBUD Display CO-FA Plan Values |
KKF6 SAPMKOSA Create Production Cost Collector |
KKF6M RK_PKOSA_MULTI_Create Multiple Product Cost Coll. |
KKF6N SAPMKOSA_46 Maintain Product Cost Collector |
KKF7 SAPMKOSA Change Production Cost Collector |
KKF8 SAPMKOSA List Production Cost Collector |
KKF9 RKKSAN00 Find CO Orders |
KKG0 SAPMKKAB Display Cutoff Period |
KKG0P SAPMKKAB Display Cutoff Period |
KKG1 SAPMKKAA Create Cost of Sales: Order |
KKG2 SAPMKKAA Create Cost of Sales: Project |
KKG3 SAPMKKAA Create Cost of Sales: Sales Order |
KKH1 SAPLKKHI Create Cost Object Group |
KKH2 SAPLKKHI Change Cost Object Group |
KKH3 SAPLKKHI Display Cost Object Group |
KKMLH RKCOBTR2 Transport of Reports |
KKMLI RKCOBTR4 Transport of Forms |
KKMLJ RKCOBTR3 Client Copy of Reports |
KKMLK RKCOBTR5 Client Copy of Forms |
KKMLM SAPMKCB9 Test Monitor Object Record Reports |
KKMLN RKDREODA Reorganization of Report Data |
KKMLO RKDREOBE Reorganization of Reports |
KKMLP RKDREOFO Reorganization of Forms |
KKMLV RKES0101 Maintain Global Variable |
KKML0 SAPMKCEE Run Drilldown Report |
KKML1 SAPMKCEE Create Drilldown Report |
KKML2 SAPMKCEE Change Drilldown Report |
KKML3 SAPMKCEE Display Drilldown Report |
KKML4 SAPMKES1 Create Form |
KKML5 SAPMKES1 Change Form |
KKML6 SAPMKES1 Display Form |
KKML7 RKDKENNZ Maintain Key Figures |
KKML8 RKDBAT02 Background Processing of Reports |
KKMN MENUKKMN Product costing application area |
KKN1 SAPLKAZB Actual Reval.: Cost.Obj. Ind.Pro |
KKN2 SAPLKAZB Actual Reval.: Cost Obj. Col.Pro |
KKOB MENUKKOB Basic Functions of Cost Object Cont |
KKOG RKE_CALL_VC_TKECharacteristic Groups for Costing |
KKOH RKCOBTR2 Transport of Reports |
KKOI RKCOBTR4 Transport of Forms |
KKOJ RKCOBTR3 Client Copy of Reports |
KKOK RKCOBTR5 Client Copy of Forms |
KKOM SAPMKCB9 Test Monitor Object Record Reports |
KKON RKDREODA Reorganization of Report Data |
KKOO RKDREOBE Reorganization of Reports |
KKOP RKDREOFO Reorganize Forms |
KKOR SAPMKKB2 Report Selection |
KKOT RKDREPDV Split Report |
KKOV RKES0101 Maintain Global Variable |
KKOW SAPMKCC0 Maintain Currency Translation Type |
KKO0 SAPMKCEE Run Drilldown Report |
KKO1 SAPMKCEE Create Drilldown Report |
KKO2 SAPMKCEE Change Drilldown Report |
KKO3 SAPMKCEE Display Drilldown Report |
KKO4 SAPMKES1 Create Form |
KKO5 SAPMKES1 Change Form |
KKO6 SAPMKES1 Display Form |
KKO7 RKKBKKO7 Maintain Key Figures |
KKO8 RKDBAT02 Background Processing of Reports |
KKPA SAPLKKP4 Create Cost Est w/o Qty Structure |
KKPAN SAPLCKDI Create Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure |
KKPB SAPLKKP4 Change Cost Est w/o Qty Structure |
KKPBN SAPLCKDI Change Cost Est. w/o Quantity Struc |
KKPC SAPLKKP4 Display Cost Est w/o Qty Structure |
KKPCN SAPLCKDI Display Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure |
KKPD RKKBSEL1 Order List for Process Manufacturin |
KKPDN SAPLCKDI Create Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure |
KKPE SAPMKKB2 Report Selection for Process Mfg |
KKPG RKKPHIE2 Graph. Cost Object Hierarchy Maint. |
KKPH RKKPKTR0 Collective Entry |
KKPHIE SAPMKKP0 Cost Object Hierarchy |
KKPJ SAPLKAZB Actual OHead: Cost Obj Collec Proc. |
KKPM MENUKKPM Process costing menu |
KKPN RKKPPGR0 Material Assignment |
KKPT SAPMKKP2 Cost Obj Hier: Coll. Proc. Variance |
KKPU SAPMKKB2 User's List of Reports |
KKPV RKKPPV01 Delete Transaction Data |
KKPX SAPMKKPA Actual Cost Distribution: Cost Obj. |
KKPY SAPMKKPA Actual Cost Distribution: Cost Obj. |
KKPZ SAPLKAZB Actual Overhead: Cost Obj Individ |
KKP1 SAPMKKP0 Create Hierarchy Master Record |
KKP2 SAPMKKP0 Change Hierarchy Master Record |
KKP3 SAPMKKP0 Display Hierarchy Master Record |
KKP4 SAPLKKP2 Display Cost Object Hierarchy |
KKP5 SAPMKKP2 Cost ObjHier: Indiv. Proc. Variance |
KKP6 SAPMKKP4 Cost Object: Analysis |
KKRA SAPMKKRD Order Summarization |
KKRC SAPMKKRD Summarization: CO Object |
KKRO SAPMKKRD Data Collection: Product Drilldown |
KKRP SAPMKKRD Project Summarization |
KKRS SAPMKKRD Summarization: Repetitive Mfg (COC) |
KKRV RKKRPRRE Data Collection Product Drilldown |
KKRZ SAPMKKRD Summarization: Process Mfg (COC) |
KKR0 RKKRKKR0 CO Summarization: Hierarchy Mainten |
KKR1 RKKRKKR1 CO Summarization: Summ. Object Type |
KKR2 RKKRKKR2 CO Summarization: Summ. Characteris |
KKSB SAPMKKB2 Start Selected Reports |
KKSD RKKBSEL1 Order List for Order-Related Prod. |
KKSM MENUKKSM Product Cost Ctrllg: Make-to-Stock |
KKSP SAPMKKS0 Variances - Engineer-to-Order (C) |
KKSQ SAPMKKS0 Variances - Engineer-to-Order (I) |
KKSR SAPMKKS0 Scrap - Engineer-to-Order (C) |
KKSS SAPMKKS0 Scrap - Engineer-to-Order (I) |
KKST SAPMKKS0 Variances - Cost by Sales Order (C) |
KKSU SAPMKKS0 Variances - Cost by Sales Order (I) |
KKSV SAPMKKS0 Scrap - Cost by Sales Order (C) |
KKSW SAPMKKS0 Scrap - Cost by Sales Order (I) |
KKS1 SAPMKKS0 Variances - Product Cost by Lot (C) |
KKS1N SAPMKKS0 Variances - Product Cost by Lot (C) |
KKS2 SAPMKKS0 Variances - Product Cost by Lot (I) |
KKS3 SAPMKKS0 Scrap - Product Cost by Lot (C) |
KKS4 SAPMKKS0 Scrap - Product Cost by Lot (I) |
KKS5 SAPMKKS0 Variances - Product Cost by Per. (C |
KKS6 SAPMKKS0 Variances - Product Cost by Per. (I |
KKS7 SAPMKKS0 Scrap - Product Cost by Period (C) |
KKS8 SAPMKKS0 Scrap - Product Cost by Period (I) |
KKV1 RKKBVMA1 View Maint. Sel. Production Orders |
KK01 SAPL0KSK Create Statistical Figure |
KK02 SAPL0KSK Change Statistical Figure |
KK03 SAPL0KSK Display Statistical Key Figures |
KK04 RKWBSK00 Stat.Key Figures: Master Data Repor |
KK05 SAPMV12A Create Cond. Table (Price Overhead) |
KK06 SAPMV12A Change Cond.Table (Price Overhead) |
KK07 SAPMV12A Display Cond.Table (Price Overhead) |
KK11 SAPMV13A Create Condition |
KK12 SAPMV13A Change Condition |
KK13 SAPMV13A Display Condition |
KK14 SAPMV13A Create Condition with Reference |
KK16 RKKTRPLN CO-COC Plng: Change Costs/ActyInput |
KK17 RKKTRPLN CO-COC Plng: Display Costs/ActyInpu |
KK46 RKKTRPLN CO-COC Plng: Change Stat. Key Fig. |
KK47 RKKTRPLN CO-COC Plng: Display Stat. Key Fig. |
KK65 SAPMKES1 COC Create Planng Layt Cost/ActInpu |
KK66 SAPMKES1 COC Change Plnng Layt Cost/ActvInpu |
KK67 SAPMKES1 COC Display Plnng Layt Cost/ActvInp |
KK87 SAPLKO71 Actual settmt: prodn cost collector |
KK88 SAPLKO71 Actual Settlement: Cost Objects |
KK89 SAPLKO71 Actual Settlement: Cost Objects |
KK95 SAPMKES1 COC Create Planning Layout Stat. KF |
KK96 SAPMKES1 COC Change Planning Layout Stat. KF |
KK97 SAPMKES1 COC Display Planning Layout Stat. K |
KLABL RKLDERIFO Derivation of the Default Risk Rule |
KLEXT RKLEXT02 Display Active External Transaction |
KLFZ01 BUSSTART Facilities: Create |
KLFZ02 BUSSTART Facilities: Change |
KLFZ03 BUSSTART Facilities: Display |
KLH1 SAPLKKHI Create Activity Type Group |
KLH2 SAPLKKHI Change Activity Type Group |
KLH3 SAPLKKHI Display Activity Type Group |
KLSDC1 SAPMKLSDC Single Transaction Check: New |
KLSDC2 SAPMKLSDC Single Transaction Check: Change |
KLSDC3 SAPMKLSDC Single Transaction Check: Deactivat |
KLSDC4 RKLSDCLIST Display Transactions |
KLSI01 SAPMKLSI01 Create Collateral Provision |
KLSI02 SAPMKLSI01 Change Collateral Provision |
KLSI03 SAPMKLSI01 Display Collateral Provision |
KL01 SAPLKMA6 Create activity type |
KL02 SAPLKMA6 Change activity type |
KL03 SAPLKMA6 Display Activity Type |
KL04 SAPLKMA6 Delete activity type |
KL05 SAPMKMAA Activity type: Display changes |
KL13 SAPLKMA6 Activity Types: Master Data Report |
KL14 SAPLKMA6 Delete Activity Types |
KL20 SAPLKWSB Templ. Alloc. Struct. CCTR/Acty Typ |
KM1V RKKSTSEV Cost Center Selection Variants |
KM3V RKPRZSEV Select. Variants for Bus. Processes |
KM5V RKKOASEV Selection Variants: Cost Elements |
KM7V RKLSTSEV Activity Type Selection Variants |
KNMA SAPLKNMA Target=Actual-IAA: cost centers |
KOAB RKKOT2 Order Types: Budget Profile |
KOAI RKKOT2 Order Types: Default Int. Planning |
KOAK RKKOT2 Order Types: Classification |
KOAL RKKOT2 Order Types: Settlement Profile |
KOAM RKKOT2 Order Types: Model Order |
KOAO RKKOT2 Order Types: Commitment Update |
KOAP RKKOT2 Order Types: Plan Profile |
KOA1 R_ALE_INTERNALOSend Internal Order |
KOBP RKAEP000 Orders: Plan Line Items |
KOB1 RKAEP000 Orders: Actual Line Items |
KOB2 RKAEP000 Orders: Commitment Line Items |
KOB3 RKAEP000 Orders: Variance Line Items |
KOB4 RKAEP000 Orders: Budget Line Items |
KOB5 RKAEP000 Orders: Maint. Line Item Settlement |
KOB6 RKAEP000 Orders: Settlement Line Items |
KOB7 RKAEP000 Orders: Line Item Settlement Retire |
KOB8 RKAEP000 Orders: WIP/Results Anal. Line Item |
KOCF RKAGJOBL Carry Forward Order Commitments |
KOCM RKOCLMIG Conversion Classification: AUFK |
KOCO RBPGJA02 Budget Carryforward for Orders |
KOC2 SAPMKKB2 Run Selected Reports |
KOC4 RKKBALV1 Cost Analysis |
KOH1 SAPLKKHI Create Order Group |
KOH2 SAPLKKHI Change Order Group |
KOH3 SAPLKKHI Display Order Group |
KOK2 SAPMKAUF Collective Proc. Internal Orders |
KOK3 SAPMKAUF Collective Disp. Internal Orders |
KOK4 SAPMKAUF Aut. Collect. Proc. Internal Orders |
KOK5 SAPMKAUF Master Data List Internal Orders |
KOK6 SAPMKAUF Collect. Printing of Internal Order |
KOL1 RKOALI01 Order List (Master Data) |
KOMM SAPL0C27 Customizing pick list |
KOM1 SAPMKAUF Create CO model order |
KOM2 SAPMKAUF Change CO Model Order |
KOM3 SAPMKAUF Display CO model order |
KONK SAPMSNUM Maintain Order Number Ranges |
KON1 SAPLKAZB Actual Reval.: Int.Orders Ind.Pro |
KON2 SAPLKAZB Actual Reval.: Int.Orders Col.Pro |
KOPA1 SAPMKES1 Overall Plan.; Orders: Create layou |
KOPA2 SAPMKES1 Overall Plan.; Orders: Change Layou |
KOPA3 SAPMKES1 Overall Plan.; Orders: Displ. Layou |
KOPU SAPMKPU2 Execute Orders for Plan Revaluation |
KOP1 SAPMKPU1 Create Orders for Plan Revaluation |
KOP2 SAPMKPU1 Change Orders for Plan Revaluation |
KOP3 SAPMKPU1 Display Orders for Plan Revaluation |
KOP4 SAPMKPU1 Delete Orders for Plan Revaluation |
KORI RKORJB00 Job Selection |
KORJ RKORJB00 Job Selection (Output) |
KOR2 JHS0200S _ |
KOSL MMANALOG Incompleteness FT Data BOM |
KOTZ RKKBKIS1 Costing Items for Order |
KOT2 RKKOT2 Maintain Order Types - All Categs. |
KOT3 RKKOT2 Display Order Types |
KOV2 SAPMKAVG Maintain Transaction Grps for Order |
KOV3 SAPMKAVG Display Transaction Grps for Orders |
KOW1 SAPMKAL1 Create Periodic Reposting |
KOW1N SAPLKAL1 Create Periodic Reposting |
KOW2 SAPMKAL1 Change Periodic Reposting |
KOW2N SAPLKAL1 Change Periodic Reposting |
KOW3 SAPMKAL1 Display Periodic Reposting |
KOW3N SAPLKAL1 Display Periodic Reposting |
KOW4 SAPMKAL1 Delete Periodic Reposting |
KOW4N SAPLKAL1 Delete Periodic Reposting |
KO01 SAPMKAUF Create Internal Order |
KO02 SAPMKAUF Change Order |
KO03 SAPMKAUF Display Internal Order |
KO04 SAPMKAUF Order Manager |
KO08 RKCFILE0 Data Transfer for Order Master Data |
KO09 RKCDSM_A Sender Structures for Trans. Data |
KO1ECP RECP_OPA Internal Orders: Easy Cost Planning |
KO12 SAPMKBUD Change Order Plan (Overall; Year) |
KO12N R_OPA_PLN_PP_DIOverall Planning for Orders: Change |
KO13 SAPMKBUD Display Order Plan (Overall; Year) |
KO13N R_OPA_PLN_PP_DIOverall Planning for Orders: Displa |
KO14 SAPMKPT4 Copy Planing for Internal Orders |
KO14N R_OPA_PLN_PP_DISet planner profile |
KO15 SAPMKPT4 Copy Actual Int.Order Data to Plan |
KO2A SAPMKBUB Change budget document |
KO2B SAPMKBUB Display budget document |
KO22 SAPMKBUD Change Order Budget |
KO23 SAPMKBUD Display Order Budget |
KO24 SAPMKBUD Change Order Supplement |
KO25 SAPMKBUD Display Order Supplement |
KO26 SAPMKBUD Change Order Return |
KO27 SAPMKBUD Display Order Return |
KO30 BPINDX02 Activate Orders Availability Contro |
KO31 RBPFCON1 Reconstruct Order Availability Cntr |
KO32 RBPFCOD1 Deactivate Order Availability Cntrl |
KO8A SAPLKO71 Act.-setlmt: Order retmt. from IM |
KO8B SAPLKO71 Display Settlement Document |
KO8G SAPLKO71 Act. Settlment: Int.-/Maint. Orders |
KO8N RKAKO8N0 No. Ranges for Settlement Document |
KO88 SAPLKO71 Actual Settlement: Order |
KO9E SAPLKO71 Plan Settlement: Internal Order |
KO9G SAPLKO71 Plan Settlement: Internal Orders |
KPAS SAPLKWTP Actl. Templ.-Alloc.: CCTR/Acty Type |
KPA6 RKOPAPLN Change Primary Cost Element Plannin |
KPA7 RKOPAPLN Display Primary Cost Elem. Planning |
KPB6 RKCCAPLN Change Activity Type Plan Data |
KPB7 RKCCAPLN Display Activity Type Plan Data |
KPC6 RKOPAPLN Change Activity Input Planning |
KPC7 RKOPAPLN Display activity input planning |
KPD6 RKOPAPLN Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data |
KPD7 RKOPAPLN Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data |
KPEP RKP_FLEX_UPL_PRLog: Flexible Excel Upload |
KPEU K_COOM_KPP_FLEXFlexible Upload for Excel Planning |
KPE6 RKOPAPLN Change Revenue Element Planning |
KPE7 RKOPAPLN Display Revenue Element Planning |
KPF6 RKOPAPLN Change CElem/Activity Input Plannin |
KPF7 RKOPAPLN Display CElem./Acty Input Planning |
KPG1 SAPMGPLP Create Planning Parameters |
KPG2 SAPMGPLP Change Planning Parameters |
KPG3 SAPMGPLP Display Planning Parameters |
KPG4 SAPMGPLP Delete Planning Parameters |
KPG5 SAPMKES1 Create Cost Planning Layout |
KPG6 SAPMKES1 Change Cost Planning Layout |
KPG7 SAPMKES1 Display Cost Planning Layout |
KPHR RKHRPLAN Transfer HR Costs to CO |
KPH0 SAPLKEFV_MNT Maintain Distribution Keys |
KPH1 SAPMGPSP Create Distribution Key |
KPH2 SAPMGPSP Change Distribution Key |
KPH3 SAPMGPSP Display Distribution Key |
KPH4 SAPMGPSP Delete Distribution Key |
KPH5 SAPMKES1 Create Stat. KF Planning Layout |
KPH6 SAPMKES1 Change Stat. KF Planning Layout |
KPH7 SAPMKES1 Display Stat. KF Planning Layout |
KPI6 RKOPAPLN Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data |
KPI7 RKOPAPLN Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data |
KPPS SAPLKWTP Allocation Templ. Plan: CCtr/ATyp |
KPRI SAPMV12A Define Price Tables |
KPRN RKPLNR10 Copy Resource Planning |
KPRO MENUKPRO KPRO Administration |
KPRW COKP0003 Evaluate resources used |
KPRZ COKP0004 Depend.Planning: Recalculation |
KPR1 RCCAVIEW Callup View Maintenance With COArea |
KPSI SAPLKNMA CO-CCA Plan Reconciliation |
KPSR SAPMKGA2 Execute Plan Segment Reversal |
KPT6 SAPLKCTV Execute Formula Planning |
KPUB RKPU2BAT Revaluate Plan in Background |
KPU1 SAPMKPU1 Create Plan Revaluation |
KPU2 SAPMKPU1 Change Plan Revaluation |
KPU3 SAPMKPU1 Display Plan Revaluation |
KPU4 SAPMKPU1 Delete Plan Revaluation |
KPY1 SAPMGPLP Create Planning Parameters |
KPY2 SAPMGPLP Change Planning Parameters |
KPY3 SAPMGPLP Display Planning Parameters |
KPY4 SAPMGPLP Delete Planning Parameters |
KPZ2 SAPMKBUD Change Cost Center Budget |
KPZ3 SAPMKBUD Display Cost Center Budget |
KP04 RKCCAPLN Set Planner Profile |
KP06 RKCCAPLN Change CElem/Activity Input Plannin |
KP07 RKCCAPLN Display Planning CElem/Act. Input |
KP16 RKCCAPLN Change Plan Data for Primary Costs |
KP17 RKCCAPLN Display Plan Data for Primary Costs |
KP26 RKCCAPLN Change Plan Data for Activity Types |
KP27 RKCCAPLN Display Plan Data for Activity Type |
KP36 RKCCAPLN Change Secondary Cost Plan Data |
KP37 RKCCAPLN Display Secondary Costs Plan Data |
KP46 RKCCAPLN Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data |
KP47 RKCCAPLN Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data |
KP56 RKCCAPLN Change Revenue Plan Data |
KP57 RKCCAPLN Display Revenue Plan Data |
KP65 SAPMKES1 Create Cost Planning Layout |
KP66 SAPMKES1 Change Cost Planning Layout |
KP67 SAPMKES1 Display Cost Planning Layout |
KP75 SAPMKES1 Create Activity Type Planning Layou |
KP76 SAPMKES1 Change Activity Type Planning Layou |
KP77 SAPMKES1 Display Activ. Type Planning Layout |
KP80 SAPLKEFV_MNT Maintain Distribution Keys |
KP81 SAPMGPSP Create Distribution Key |
KP82 SAPMGPSP Change Distribution Key |
KP83 SAPMGPSP Display Distribution Key |
KP84 SAPMGPSP Delete Distribution Key |
KP85 SAPMKES1 Create Stat. KF Planning Layout |
KP86 SAPMKES1 Change Stat. KF Planning Layout |
KP87 SAPMKES1 Display Stat. KF Planning Layout |
KP9R COKPR005 Copy CO Resource Prices |
KP9S COKPR004 Revaluate CO Resource Prices |
KP90 SAPMKPT2 Delete Planned Costs |
KP90NI SAPMKPT2 Delete Planned Costs |
KP91 SAPMKPT2 Delete Planned Costs |
KP91NI SAPMKPT2 Delete Plan Data |
KP95 SAPMKPT5 Revaluate Manual Planning |
KP96 SAPMKPT2 Activate L. Items and Int. Planning |
KP97 SAPMKPT4 Copy Planning for Cost Centers |
KP98 SAPMKPT4 Copy Actual to Plan for Cost Center |
KRMI RKAEP000 Run Sched. Header: Line Items Actua |
KR01 SAPMKSRD Create Summarization |
KR02 SAPMKSRD Change Summarization |
KR03 SAPMKSRD Display Summarization |
KR04 SAPMKSRD Delete Summarization |
KR05 SAPMKSRE Execute Summarization |
KSAG SAPMV12A Maintain condition tables |
KSAH SAPMV12A Display condition tables |
KSAI SAPMKSA0 Accrual Calc.: Maintain Actual Data |
KSAJ SAPMKSA0 Accrual Calc.: Maintain Tgt=Act Cre |
KSAP SAPMKSA0 Accrual Calc.: Maintain Plan Data |
KSAQ SAPMV13A Maintain surcharge conditions |
KSAR SAPMV13A Display Overhead Conditions |
KSAZ SAPMKSA0 Accrual: Maintain Overhead Structur |
KSA3 SAPLKAZB Actual Accrual for Cost Centers |
KSA4 SAPMKSZB Execute actual accrual |
KSA8 SAPLKAZB Plan Accrual for Cost Centers |
KSA9 SAPMKSZB Execute Plan Accrual |
KSBB SAPMKKB2 Run Selected Reports |
KSBL SAPMKB01 Cost centers: Planning overview |
KSBP RKAEP000 Cost Centers: Plan Line Items |
KSBT RKATARIF Cost centers: Activity prices |
KSB1 RKAEP000 Cost Centers: Actual Line Items |
KSB2 RKAEP000 Cost Centers: Commitment Line Items |
KSB5 RKAEP000 Controlling Documents: Actual |
KSB9 SAPMKB02 Planning Report: Cost Centers |
KSCA SAPMKAL1 Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla |
KSCAN SAPLKAL1 Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla |
KSCB SAPMKGA2 Execute Plan Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSCC SAPMKGA1 Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview |
KSCCN SAPLKAL1 Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview |
KSCF RKAGJOBL Carry Forward Cost Center Commitmen |
KSCK SAPLKWA1 Find CCtrs in Cycles and Segments |
KSCP SAPLKWA2 Find Processes in Cycles / Segments |
KSCYC3 SAPMKAL4 Display Cycle/Segment Objects |
KSC1 SAPMKAL1 Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC1N SAPLKAL1 Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC2 SAPMKAL1 Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC2N SAPLKAL1 Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC3 SAPMKAL1 Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC3N SAPLKAL1 Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC4 SAPMKAL1 Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC4N SAPLKAL1 Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC5 SAPMKGA2 Execute Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC6 SAPMKGA1 Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview |
KSC6N SAPLKAL1 Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview |
KSC7 SAPMKAL1 Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla |
KSC7N SAPLKAL1 Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla |
KSC8 SAPMKAL1 Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla |
KSC8N SAPLKAL1 Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla |
KSC9 SAPMKAL1 Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan |
KSC9N SAPLKAL1 Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan |
KSEX KGALRUNEXTR Allocations: Extracts |
KSFX SAPLKSF2 Predistribute fixed costs: cctr |
KSH1 SAPLKKHI Create Cost Center Group |
KSH2 SAPLKKHI Change Cost Center Group |
KSH3 SAPLKKHI Display Cost Center Group |
KSII SAPLKSPI Actual Price Determination: CCtrs |
KSI4 SAPLKAZB Actual Overhead: Cost Centers |
KSOV RKSOV Cycle Maintenance/Overview (CCA;ABC |
KSO9 SAPLKAZB Commitment Overhead: Cost Centers |
KSPI SAPLKSPI Iterative Plan Price Calculation |
KSPP SAPLKSPP Transfer Planning From Logistics |
KSPU SAPMKPU2 Execute Plan Revaluation |
KSP4 SAPLKAZB Plan Overhead: Cost Centers |
KSRT RKGALRTA Allocations: Runtime Analysis |
KSR4 RKSR0C10 User-Defined Strategies |
KSS1 SAPLKSS0 Variance Calculation: Cost Centers |
KSS2 SAPLKSS0 Actual Cost Splitting: Cost Centers |
KSS3 SAPLKSS0 Calculate Target Costs |
KSS4 SAPMKACT Split Plan Costs |
KSUA SAPMKAL1 Delete Plan Assessment |
KSUAN SAPLKAL1 Delete Plan Assessment |
KSUB SAPMKGA2 Execute Plan Assessment |
KSUC SAPMKGA1 Plan Assessment: Overview |
KSUCN SAPLKAL1 Plan Assessment: Overview |
KSU1 SAPMKAL1 Create Actual Assessment |
KSU1N SAPLKAL1 Create Actual Assessment |
KSU2 SAPMKAL1 Change Actual Assessment |
KSU2N SAPLKAL1 Change Actual Assessment |
KSU3 SAPMKAL1 Display Actual Assessment |
KSU3N SAPLKAL1 Display Actual Assessment |
KSU4 SAPMKAL1 Delete Actual Assessment |
KSU4N SAPLKAL1 Delete Actual Assessment |
KSU5 SAPMKGA2 Execute Actual Assessment |
KSU6 SAPMKGA1 Actual Assessment: Overview |
KSU6N SAPLKAL1 Actual Assessment: Overview |
KSU7 SAPMKAL1 Create Plan Assessment |
KSU7N SAPLKAL1 Create Plan Assessment |
KSU8 SAPMKAL1 Change Plan Assessment |
KSU8N SAPLKAL1 Change Plan Assessment |
KSU9 SAPMKAL1 Display Plan Assessment |
KSU9N SAPLKAL1 Display Plan Assessment |
KSVA SAPMKAL1 Delete Plan Distribution |
KSVAN SAPLKAL1 Delete Plan Distribution |
KSVB SAPMKGA2 Execute Plan Distribution |
KSVC SAPMKGA1 Plan Distribution: Overview |
KSVCN SAPLKAL1 Plan Distribution: Overview |
KSV1 SAPMKAL1 Create Actual Distribution |
KSV1N SAPLKAL1 Create Actual Distribution |
KSV2 SAPMKAL1 Change Actual Distribution |
KSV2N SAPLKAL1 Change Actual Distribution |
KSV3 SAPMKAL1 Display Actual Distribution |
KSV3N SAPLKAL1 Display Actual Distribution |
KSV4 SAPMKAL1 Delete Actual Distribution |
KSV4N SAPLKAL1 Delete Actual Distribution |
KSV5 SAPMKGA2 Execute Actual Distribution |
KSV6 SAPMKGA1 Actual Distribution: Overview |
KSV6N SAPLKAL1 Actual Distribution: Overview |
KSV7 SAPMKAL1 Create Plan Distribution |
KSV7N SAPLKAL1 Create Plan Distribution |
KSV8 SAPMKAL1 Change Plan Distribution |
KSV8N SAPLKAL1 Change Plan Distribution |
KSV9 SAPMKAL1 Display Plan Distribution |
KSV9N SAPLKAL1 Display Plan Distribution |
KSWA SAPMKAL1 Delete Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSWAN SAPLKAL1 Delete Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSWB SAPMKGA2 Execute Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSWC SAPMKGA1 Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview |
KSWCN SAPLKAL1 Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview |
KSWUSL KGALWUSL Where-Used List: Cycles in CCA |
KSW1 SAPMKAL1 Create Periodic Reposting |
KSW1N SAPLKAL1 Create Periodic Reposting |
KSW2 SAPMKAL1 Change Periodic Reposting |
KSW2N SAPLKAL1 Change Periodic Reposting |
KSW3 SAPMKAL1 Display Periodic Reposting |
KSW3N SAPLKAL1 Display Periodic Reposting |
KSW4 SAPMKAL1 Delete Periodic Reposting |
KSW4N SAPLKAL1 Delete Periodic Reposting |
KSW5 SAPMKGA2 Execute Actual Periodic Reposting |
KSW6 SAPMKGA1 Periodic Repostings: Overview |
KSW6N SAPLKAL1 Periodic Repostings: Overview |
KSW7 SAPMKAL1 Create Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSW7N SAPLKAL1 Create Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSW8 SAPMKAL1 Change Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSW8N SAPLKAL1 Change Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSW9 SAPMKAL1 Display Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSW9N SAPLKAL1 Display Plan Periodic Reposting |
KS01 SAPLKMA1 Create cost center |
KS02 SAPLKMA1 Change cost center |
KS03 SAPLKMA1 Display cost center |
KS04 SAPLKMA1 Delete cost center |
KS05 SAPMKMAA Cost Center: Display Changes |
KS07 SAPMKMA1 Execute rough entry of cost center |
KS08 SAPLKMA1 Execute list editing of cost center |
KS12 SAPLKMA1 Change Cost Centers |
KS13 SAPLKMA1 Cost Centers: Master Data Report |
KS14 SAPLKMA1 Delete Cost Centers |
KS30 SAPLKMA1 Cost Centers: Change Management |
KVA0 SAPL0KOZ Maintain Assignment Cost Ctr./KF |
KVA1 SAPL0KOZ Display Plan Assignment CCtr/KF |
KVA2 SAPL0KOZ Maintain Actual Assignment CCtr/KF |
KVA3 SAPL0KOZ Display Actual Assignment CCtr/KF |
KVA4 SAPMKWM1 Transfer Plan Statistical Key Figur |
KVA5 SAPMKWM1 Transfer Actual Stat. Key Figure |
KVA6 SAPL0KOZ Copy Assignment CCtr/KF |
KVBI RKAEP000 Sales Documents: Line Items Actual |
KVBO RKAEP000 Sales Documents: Commit. Line Items |
KVB0 SAPL0KOZ Maintain Plan Assignment Process/KF |
KVB1 SAPL0KOZ Display Plan Assignment Process/KF |
KVB2 SAPL0KOZ Change Actual Assignment Process/KF |
KVB3 SAPL0KOZ Display Actual Assignment Process/K |
KVB4 SAPMKWM1 PROZ: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures |
KVB5 SAPMKWM1 PROZ: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figures |
KVB6 SAPL0KOZ Copy Assignment Processes/KF |
KVC0 SAPL0KOZ Change Plan Assignment CObj/KF |
KVC1 SAPL0KOZ Display Plan Assignment CObj/KF |
KVC2 SAPL0KOZ Change Actual Assignment CObj/KF |
KVC3 SAPL0KOZ Display Actual Assignment CObj/KF |
KVC4 SAPMKWM1 KSRTG: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures |
KVC5 SAPMKWM1 KSRTG: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figure |
KVC6 SAPL0KOZ Copy Assignment Cost Object/Key Fig |
KVD0 SAPL0KOZ Maintain Plan Assignment ATyp/KF |
KVD1 SAPL0KOZ Display Plan Assignment ATyp/KF |
KVD2 SAPL0KOZ Change Actual Assignment ATyp/KF |
KVD3 SAPL0KOZ Display Actual Assignment ATyp/KF |
KVD4 SAPMKWM1 LSTAR: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures |
KVD5 SAPMKWM1 LSTAR: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figure |
KVD6 SAPL0KOZ Copy Assignment ActType/Key Figure |
KW3P SAPLKW3P WWW: Internal Price List |
KXH1 SAPLKKHI Create Group (Hierarchical) |
KXH2 SAPLKKHI Change Group (Hierarchical) |
KXH3 SAPLKKHI Display Hierarchy (Hierarchical) |
KZA1 SAPMKACZ Select Overhead |
LAS0 SAPMSP00 Sequencing |
LAS2 SAPLSP00 Change Sequence Schedule |
LAS3 SAPLSP00 Display Sequence Schedule |
LBWE RMCEXCUC LO Data Ext.: Customizing Cockpit |
LBWF RMCEX000 Log for Logistics Extract. Structur |
LBW0 RMCSBIWC Interface LIS Information Structure |
LBW1 RMCSBIW0 Update Activation LIS/BW |
LBW2 RMCSBIWF Version Copier LIS/BW |
LB01 SAPML02B Create Transfer Requirement |
LB02 SAPML02B Change transfer requirement |
LB03 SAPML02B Display Transfer Requirement |
LB10 SAPML02B TRs for Storage Type |
LB11 SAPML02B TRs for Material |
LB12 SAPML02B TRs and Posting Change for Mat.Doc. |
LB13 SAPML02B TRs for Requirement |
LCO1 RMCWMNMB Set Up Warehouse Co/Material Docs. |
LCO2 RMCWMNTA Set Up Warehouse Co/Transport Order |
LC10 RSLVCADM liveCache Assistant |
LC11 RSLVCCON Creating the liveCache connection |
LDAP SAPMLDAP LDAP Customizing and Test |
LDA2 SAPLLD01 Change Takt Time |
LDA3 SAPLLD01 Display Takt Time |
LDB1 SAPLLD01 Create Line Hierarchy |
LDB2 SAPLLD01 Change Line Hierarchy |
LDB3 SAPLLD01 Display Line Hierarchy |
LDD1 SAPLLD01 Create Line Balance |
LDD2 SAPLLD01 Change Line Balance |
LDD3 SAPLLD01 Display Line Balance |
LDE1 RLDPS_PRINT_BY_Work Instruction for Routing |
LDE2 RLDPS_PRINT_BY_Work Instruction for Line Hier. |
LD00 MENULD00 Line Design |
LD01 SAPML06D Repost Communication Document |
LD02 RLLD0200 Reposting multiple comm.records |
LD03 SAPML06D Display Communication Document |
LD04 RLLD0400 Evaluation of Communication Doc. |
LD05 SAPML06D Check LDK01 Records (internal call) |
LD06 SAPML06D Check LDK02 Records |
LD07 SAPML06D Check LDK03 Records |
LD08 SAPML06D Check LDK04 Records (internal call) |
LD09 SAPML06D Check LDK05 records |
LD10 SAPML06D Clear decentralized inventory diff. |
LD11 SAPML06D Clear differences in R/2 |
LEAN RVFTPRAN Request long-term VendDecl. (vendor |
LECI SAPRLECHKIN Register Means of Transport/Visitor |
LECIW SAPRLECHKIN Register Means of Transport/Visitor |
LEER RVFTPRER Create long-term VenDecl. (customer |
LEMA RVFTPRMA Dun long-term vendor decl. (vendor) |
LEPA SAPLV53F Activate Determination Log |
LEPD SHPFPDELETE Deletion of INDX Records |
LEPS SHPFPDISPLAY Display Determination Log |
LH01 SAPML03T Assign Pick-HU to TO |
LH03 SAPML03T Assign Pick-HU to TO Display |
LIBS GUILSTCN List layout |
LICC RLINV060 Cycle Counting per Quant |
LISK RKCSUB00 LIS: Data Collection in R/2 |
LI01 SAPML04I Create System Inventory Record |
LI01N SAPML04I Create System Inventory Record |
LI02 SAPML04I Change System Inventory Record |
LI02N SAPML04I Change System Inventory Record |
LI03 SAPML04I Display System Inventory Record |
LI03N SAPML04I Display System Inventory Record |
LI04 SAPML04I Print System Inventory Record |
LI05 SAPML04I Inventory History for Storage Bin |
LI11 SAPML04I Enter Inventory Count |
LI11N SAPML04I Enter Inventory Count |
LI12 SAPML04I Change inventory count |
LI12N SAPML04I Change inventory count |
LI13 SAPML04I Display Inventory Count |
LI13N SAPML04I Display Inventory Count |
LI14 SAPML04I Start Inventory Recount |
LI15 RLINV070 Evaluation of quant inventory |
LI16 RLINV080 Cancel Physical Inventory Doc. Item |
LI20 SAPML04I Clear Inventory Differences WM |
LI21 RLLI2110 Clear Inventory Differences in MM-I |
LK01 BUSSTART Create consumer |
LK02 BUSSTART Change consumer |
LK03 BUSSTART Display consumer |
LLDEL SBAL_DELETE Delete application logs |
LL01 RLLL0100 Warehouse Activity Monitor |
LM00 RLOGON Logon RF |
LM01 RLMENU Dynamic Menu |
LM02 RLMOB001 Select by SU -Put Away |
LM03 RLMOB001 Put Away - by TO |
LM04 RLMOB005 Put Away -System Guided |
LM05 RLMOB001 Picking by TO ID |
LM06 RLMOB001 Picking - by Delivery ID |
LM07 RLMOB008 Picking - System Guided |
LM09 RLMOB001 Put Away by Delivery ID |
LM11 RLMOB010 Posting Changes |
LM12 RLMOB012 Material Inquiry |
LM13 RLMOB013 Put Away Clustered |
LM18 RLMOB018 Handling Unit Inquiry |
LM19 RLMOB019 Handling Unit - Pack |
LM22 RLMOB019 Handling Unit - Unpack |
LM24 RLMOB019 Packing HU by Delivery |
LM25 RLMOB019 Unpack HU by Delivery |
LM26 RLMOB007 Picking by Delivery - W/O sel scree |
LM27 RLMOB007 Put Away by Delivery - W/O sel scre |
LM30 RLMOB030 Load Control - Load by Shipment |
LM31 RLMOB031 Load Control - Load by Delivery |
LM32 RLMOB032 Load Control - System Guide Load |
LM33 RLMOB030 Load Control - UnLd by Shipment. |
LM34 RLMOB031 Load Control - UnLd by Delivery |
LM35 RLMOB035 Load Control - Detail by Shipping U |
LM36 RLMOB036 Load Control - Detail by Delivery |
LM37 RLMOB037 Load Control - Detail by Shipment |
LM45 RLMOB045 Pick and Pack |
LM46 RLMOB045 Pick and Pack by Delivery |
LM50 RLMOB003 Count Inventory By System Guided |
LM51 RLMOB003 Count Inventory By User Selection |
LM55 RLBINPRI Print Storage Bin Labels |
LM56 RLMOB001 Select by SU - Interleaving |
LM57 RLMOB005 System Guided Putaway - Interleavin |
LM58 RXDCC001 Sys. guided dynamic inventory count |
LM59 RXDCC001 User initiated dynamic invent. coun |
LM60 RXDCC001 User guided dynamic invent. count |
LM61 RLEMOBGRGIDEL Goods Issue by Delivery |
LM62 RLEMOBGRGIMSA Goods Issue by MS area |
LM63 RLEMOBGRGISHP Goods Issue by Shipment |
LM65 RLEMOBGRGIGRP Goods Issue by Group |
LM66 RLEMOBGRGIHU Goods Issue by HU |
LM71 RLEMOBGRGIDEL Goods Receipt by Delivery |
LM72 RLEMOBGRGIMSA Goods Receipt by MS area |
LM73 RLEMOBGRGISHP Goods Receipt by Shipment |
LM74 RLEMOBGRGIALL Goods Receipt by ALL |
LM76 RLEMOBGRGIHU Goods Receipt by HU |
LM77 RLQUEUE Queue Assignment |
LM80 RLMOBSER Serial number capture |
LNRMS SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: TRM_MSGSE |
LNRRQ SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: TRM_REQES |
LNRRS SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: TRM_RSRC |
LNRTK SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: TRM_TASK |
LN01 SAPMSNUM Number Ranges for Transfer Requirem |
LN02 SAPMSNUM Number Ranges for Transfer Orders |
LN03 SAPMSNUM Number Ranges for Quants |
LN04 SAPMSNUM Number Ranges for Posting Changes |
LN05 SAPMSNUM Number ranges physical inventory |
LN06 SAPMSNUM Number Ranges for Group Number |
LN07 SAPMSNUM Number Ranges for WM Communic.Rec. |
LN08 SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: LVS_LENUM |
LPIN SAPLLCPP Info: Material Stock WM-PP |
LPINW SAPLLCPP Info Transaction (IAC) |
LPK1 SAPMMPKR Create Control Cycle for WM |
LPK2 SAPMMPKR Change Control Cycle for WM |
LPK3 SAPMMPKR Display Control Cycle for WM |
LPK4 RLWMPPC6 Create Contr.Cycles for Rel.Ord.Par |
LPRO MENULPRO Material Forecast Menu |
LPSC R_SCREEN_CONVERRF Screen Conversion Tool |
LPVAS RLMBP011 VAS Management |
LPYRD RLMBP011 Yard Management |
LP00 RLMBP011 Mobile Presentation |
LP10 SAPLLCPP Direct picking for PO |
LP11 SAPLLCPP WM staging of crate parts |
LP11W SAPLLCPP WM Staging for Crate Parts (IAC) |
LP12 SAPLLCPP Staging release order parts (WM-PP) |
LP21 RLLNACH1 WM replenishment for fixed bins |
LP22 RLLNACH2 Replenishm. Planning for Fixed Bins |
LP24 RLLNACH4 WM Replenishment for Random Whse |
LQ01 RLLQ0100 Transfer Posting in Invent. Mgmt |
LQ02 RLLQ0200 Transfer Posting in Invent. Mgmt |
LRF1 SAPLLRFMON RF Monitor; Active |
LRF2 SAPLLRFMON RF Monitor; Passive |
LROUT RTRM_LROUT Creation or adjustement of routes |
LRSW RTRM_RES_MAINT Resource element maintenance wizar |
LSMW /SAPDMC/SAPMLSMLegacy System Migration Workbench |
LS01 SAPML01S Create Warehouse Master Record |
LS01N SAPML01S Create Warehouse Master Record |
LS02 SAPML01S Change Warehouse Master Record |
LS02N SAPML01S Change Warehouse Master Record |
LS03 SAPML01S Display Warehouse Master Record |
LS03N SAPML01S Display Warehouse Master Record |
LS04 SAPML01S Display Empty Storage Bins |
LS05 SAPML01S Generate Storage Bins |
LS06 RLLS0600 Block Storage Bins |
LS07 RLLS0700 Block Quants |
LS08 RLLS0800 Block Storage Bins by Aisle |
LS09 RLMS0010 Display Material Data for Stor.Type |
LS11 RLLS0600 Change several stor.bins simultan. |
LS22 SAPML01S Change Quants |
LS23 SAPML01S Display Quants |
LS24 SAPML01S Display Quants for Material |
LS25 SAPML01S Display Quants per Storage Bin |
LS26 SAPML01S Warehouse stocks per material |
LS27 SAPML01S Display quants for storage unit |
LS28 SAPML01S Display storage units / bin |
LS32 SAPML01S Change storage unit |
LS33 SAPML01S Display storage unit |
LS41 RLLS4100 List of control cycles for WIP loc. |
LS51 SAPMV13H Create Batch Search Strategy - WM |
LS52 SAPMV13H Change Batch Search Strategie - WM |
LS53 SAPMV13H Display Batch Search Strategy - WM |
LTRCC RTRM_CONSISTENCTRM Customization Consistency Check |
LT0A SAPML03T Pre-plan storage units |
LT0B RLLT0B00 Putaway Pre-Picked Handling Units |
LT0C RLLT0C00 Removal of Pre-Picked HUs from Stoc |
LT0D RLLT0D00 Transfer of Existing Handling Units |
LT0E SAPML03T Create Removal TO for 2-Step Pickin |
LT0F SAPML03T Create TO for Inbound Delivery |
LT0G RLLT0G00 Return delivery to stock |
LT0H RLLT0E00 Putaway/Stock Transfer of HUs |
LT0I RLLT0F00 Removal of Handling Units from Stoc |
LT0J SAPML03T Put Away Handling Unit |
LT0R RLLT0R00 Request replenishment manually |
LT0S SAPML03T Create TO for multiple deliveries |
LT01 SAPML03T Create Transfer Order |
LT02 SAPML03T Create TO for Inventory Difference |
LT03 SAPML03T Create TO for Delivery |
LT04 SAPML03T Create TO from TR |
LT05 SAPML03T Process Posting Change Notice |
LT06 SAPML02B Create TO for Material Document |
LT07 SAPML03T Create TO for mixed storage unit |
LT08 SAPML03T Manual Addition to Storage Unit |
LT09 SAPML03T ID point function for storage units |
LT1A SAPML03T Change Transfer Order |
LT1B SAPML03T Confirm TO-Item Pick |
LT1C SAPML03T Confirm TO-Item Transport |
LT1D SAPML03T Confirm Transfer Order Pick |
LT1E SAPML03T Confirm Transfer Order Transport |
LT1F SAPML03T Confirm TO for SU Pick |
LT1G SAPML03T Confirm TO for SU Transport |
LT10 RLS10034 Create Transfer Order from List |
LT11 SAPML03T Confirm Transfer Order Item |
LT12 SAPML03T Confirm transfer order |
LT13 SAPML03T Confirm TO for storage unit |
LT14 SAPML03T Confirm preplanned TO item |
LT15 SAPML03T Cancelling transfer order |
LT16 SAPML03T Cancelling TO for storage unit |
LT17 SAPML03T Single Entry of Actual Data |
LT21 SAPML03T Display Transfer Order |
LT22 RLLT2200 Display Transfer Order / Stor. Type |
LT23 RLLT2300 Display Transfer Orders by Numbers |
LT24 RLLT2400 Display Transfer Order / Material |
LT25 RLLT2500 Display Transfer Order / Group |
LT25A RLLT2501 Display Transfer Order / Group |
LT25N RLLT2502 Confirm Transfer ORder / Group |
LT26 RLLT2600 Transfer orders for storage bin |
LT27 RLLT2700 Transfer order for storage unit |
LT28 RLLT2800 Display Transfer Order / Reference |
LT31 SAPML03T Print TO Manually |
LT32 SAPML03T Print transfer order for stor.unit |
LT41 SAPML05S Prepare TRs for Multiple Processing |
LT42 SAPML05S Create TOs by Multiple Processing |
LT43 SAPML05S Forming groups for deliveries |
LT44 SAPML05S Release for Multiple Processing |
LT45 RLSAMM10 Evaluation of reference numbers |
LT63 RLLT6300 Control: Single Entry of Actual Dat |
LT64 RLLT6400 Single Entry of Actual Data |
LT72 SAPLL2PIK Determine 2-step relevance |
LT73 SAPLL2PIK Display 2-step |
LU01 SAPML02B Create Posting Change Notice |
LU02 SAPML02B Change Posting Change Notice |
LU03 SAPML02B Display Posting Change Notice |
LU04 SAPML02B Selection of Posting Change Notices |
LVASNR SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: LXVAS_VOI |
LXDCA RCDALERT Cross Docking Alert Monitor |
LXDCK RXDMONITOR Cross-Docking Monitor |
LX01 RLS10010 List of Empty Storage Bins |
LX02 RLS10020 Stock list |
LX03 RLS10030 Bin Status Report |
LX04 RLS10040 Capacity load utilization |
LX05 RLS10050 Block Bins in Bl.Storage w.Time Lim |
LX06 RLS10060 Fire Department Inventory List |
LX07 RLS10070 Check storage |
LX08 RLS10080 Accident Regulations List |
LX09 RLB10010 Overview of All Transf.Requirements |
LX10 RLT10010 Activities per Storage Type |
LX11 RLT10020 Document overview |
LX12 RLT10030 Document Overview: Landscape Format |
LX13 RLT10040 Analysis of differences |
LX14 RLT10050 Matl mvmt frequency |
LX15 RLINV010 Selection of Bins for Annual Invent |
LX16 RLINV015 Selection of Bins for Continuous In |
LX17 RLINV020 List of Inventory Differences |
LX18 RLINV030 Statistics of Inventory Differences |
LX19 RLBEST00 Inventory Data Takeover by Btch Inp |
LX20 RLVST333 Generate interim storage bins |
LX21 RLKOMM40 Pick List for Several Transfer Ord. |
LX22 RLI30010 Process Inventory from Overview |
LX23 RLABGL00 Stock comparison IM - WM |
LX24 RLS10240 Display of hazardous mat.numbers |
LX25 RLINV040 Inventory Status |
LX26 RLINV050 Inventory in WM via cycle counting |
LX27 RLS30010 Stock levels by shelf life exp.date |
LX28 RLSUB000 Relevant TO item for ext.system |
LX29 RLS10090 Fixed bin supervision |
LX30 RLSUB010 Overview of WM messages ext.system |
LX31 RLVSDR20 Analysis of print control tables |
LX32 RLRT0001 Archived transfer orders |
LX33 RLRB0001 Archived transfer requirements |
LX34 RLRU0001 Archived posting change notices |
LX35 RLRI0001 Archived system inventory records |
LX36 RLRH0001 Archived inventory histories |
LX37 RLSUB020 Linked objects |
LX38 RLOLML02 Check Report Customizing Strategy K |
LX39 RL2STK00 Evaluation Reference No. for 2-S.Pc |
LX40 RLWMPPC1 Material Situation Prod. Storage Bi |
LX41 RLWMPPC3 Bin Status Report WM/PP Interface |
LX42 RLWMPPC4 Evaluation PP Order from WM View |
LX43 RLWMPPC5 Consistency Check for Control Cycle |
LX44 RLL10010 Inward and outward movements |
LX45 RLVERIFY Verification Field in Storage Bin |
LX46 RLT1HR00 Transmission WM perform. data to HR |
LX47 RLLX4700 Analysis of Delayed Delivery Update |
LYCHP RLYREGISTER Check-in / Check-out transaction |
LYLDP RLYREGISTER Load & unload transaction |
LYRDA RLYALERT Yard Alert Monitor |
LYSCH RLXYRD_SCHDL_CHYard Scheduling Chart |
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